What an awesome promise quoted from the Holy Spirit's message that we received during worship. He continues by saying:
"I have formed each of you in the womb and have instilled certain virtues that are necessary for the fulfillment of My plan."
"If only more would honor me, and many try, I see their hearts and love their effort, but if only they would let go of those things that are clouding their understanding. If only they would read the scriptures, read My Word and pray and turn away from man's books and writings--the esoteric and divine and all of these things, the sum of the secrets of iniquity, [designed] to cloud My plan [and] make it seem archaic or complicated. When in essence the complication is in their application of these things."
"My children, it is all here in My Word--simple, filled with truth and blessings. But all the things, the actions and activities [of this world's festivities] do not honor Me. These are the things, oh My people, if they only knew, that these are the things that distract and pollute the simplicity of my ways. Many are so steeped in these things that if it were removed, it would be as the scripture says: 'Rachel weeping for her children who are no more'. That is how much the earthly things have polluted [some of] the hearts of My people. They must learn to circumcise their hearts to put away that which is unholy and to embrace that which is holy. For in that they will see life, abundant joy, and deliverance."
" Oh how My people perish for the knowledge of Me has not been pure. But in My mercy there is time and this is where your prayers, My children, your supplications over the churches and those assemblies that you know of will make a difference. Some of their hearts can be turned and this is good." Thus says the Lord of Hosts!"(03-16-2013)For those who need a touch of God's power in their lives, who find themselves always going through the trenches because of unwise decisions or even just at the breaking point, or those who may be find intimacy with God difficult at this time. Renew yourself in him through prayer. Find out the simple truth about how to get back in sync with Yahweh so that His Holy Spirit can begin to talk to you again and impress upon your Spirit how to walk\ more closely with Him. We must prepare in earnest now so that when the separation of the chaff and the wheat is completed you will be among the ripened wheat ready for your harvest.
Also, join with me, wherever you are in praying for the churches in your own local area, that Yahweh will touch them by the power of His Holy Spirit to begin to receive instruction from Him as to how they can be in line with His will for them, in this Kingdom Age. More and more His body is being called upon to walk in authority and manifest the signs and wonders of His power and glory. Yahshua (Jesus) is not returning to a weak and powerless church that is defeated in their bodies (sickness) or in their finances (poverty, or in their manifestation of His glory (victory)! As a result of our need for more spiritual growth and power He is giving us time on this earth to walk in more dominion over darkness. This commission is not for the spiritually weak and faint at heart. This call is for the Spirit-filled, glorified sons and daughters, who know who they are in Him and who are showing others the way to victory over the downward pull of this nation and the nations of this world. We are to live well, love one another fervently and be willing to lead the way manifesting our kingdom position on this earth!
I urge you to spend more time in prayer, fasting, and worship that you will break every barrier to the fulfilling of the purpose you've been called to. Become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit that you may be in agreement and in harmony with your decisions and your actions. We need a heightened sense of awareness as to where and how God is leading us. Don't be deceived by the voice of the evil one. Doom and gloom is not for the sons and daughters of the King of Kings! Rulership,dominion over evil forces on the earth, and greatness is our portion in Him! But, we must yield to God's will and purge ourselves of all darkness in order to receive this level of power. Through prayer and fasting, as in times past, we will increase our ability to hear God's voice in whatever way He communicates with you, clearly and strongly. This is the life-line of the children of God. Yashua is the vine and we are the branches. We must stay connected in order to move forward and produce great things in this Kingdom Age. Heaven is watching and cheering us on. Let's not disappoint our precious elder brother, our high priest and advocate Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) with apathy. It's time to be on fire for the Kingdom of God!
If you have not watched My video series on holiness, now would be a good time to do so. The Lord gave me specific things to share on these recordings. Each one was prayed over and tweaked according to the word of the Lord through His Holy Spirit. For some of you reading this it may be new information. But for most who have walked this way some years, this is just a review and a reminder of it's importance now more than ever before. Maybe you will be able to help others through listening to these nuggets. Here lies the Simple Truth about Preparing you and your family for greatness.