Here's the beginning quote...
"To be humble is not a feeling of lowliness as a result of external lack or deficiency in any area of your life. Often when you are keenly aware of your short-comings, failings, inadequacies or mistakes to the point where it creates negative emotions of self-condemnation, you are centering your thoughts on self (self-centered)..."

The evil one can use these kinds of emotions to bring you into depression, self-pity, feelings of inadequacy or ineptness. These are the best environments for your enemy, the devil, to bring continuing unhappiness into your life. You can stop that negative syndrome! You want to live a life of happiness, joy, and to bring good things towards you!

Another good scripture is:
Humility Under The Mater's Hands. Jesus practiced what He preached!
The Lord continues...
"Picture me on the cross as the Son of God. God the Father and I are One in splendor, power and glory. I (Jesus) stepped outside of this realm of glory--being rejected by my own people, and even the people that I healed and showed great compassion for. They all flew the coupe! I (Yahshua), having power and authority, did not use my power to save myself. Nor did I defend myself against those who spit on me, mocked me, slapped, kicked, whipped, scourged and beat me. They made me look like an evil enemy and beat me up to the point where I became unrecognizable."
"I was considered less than a man, as the world would see it. You see, a "real" man, as some would say, would've fought to the death to save himself, taking lives with him if he could; At least defending himself and dying in 'honor'."
I continue what the Lord said to me...."I died in shame and humiliation, according to the world's standards. I became sin for you. My Father stepped away, turned His head. I was stripped of My status and position as "His heart"--His inner being. I became as His enemy at that moment, carrying all of your sins, down to hell as a penalty for those sins. Rejected of men and God. However, My Father reserved My place in Him. I did not stay in the state of rejection and humiliation. I arose in Glory with honor from My Father! I sit at His right hand!"
That is really something to think about. Most of the times we are not even willing for people we know to talk against us or misuse us. We immediately want to "get even" instead of loving them and speaking the word of God over them, and praying for them.
"True humility is when you no longer need the external accolades, praise and acceptance from man. You desire to live in me to the point where you are no longer living in the "fleshly" realm (attitudes, issues, carnality). Your hunger for me (Jesus/Yahshua) brings a maturity to your character. The more you strive to become like me, the more humble you become on the inside. You are striving to become like me in every thing---the way you react to circumstances, the way you think and live like me. This process causes you to become humble on the inside because you know that without me you cannot live, you are nothing. It is not a thought but a state of being and doing. You are confident in my power and my love to move and flow through you. You yield your life. You no longer need the external circumstance of trial to keep you humble, though if you should have to you are able to flow with me in it (the trial) and not falter. You also know that when the "fleshly" side of you crowds in, the less of my glory emanates from you. The more troubles will come into your life to remind you of the humility you must have." (End of Quotes)
The most powerful example of humility is shown by the greatest person that ever lived on this earth, Yahshua (Jesus), the Son of God. Let us humble ourselves under the Master's hands and He will elevate us to share in His glory in due time!
It's so wonderful to hear the revelation and wisdom of God. The Lord never fails to teach us his ways. As James 1:5 says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, and abrades not (withholds not); and it shall be given him."
So don't think it strange when I say, "this is what the Lord told me". The Lord speaks to all of His children in varying ways.We edify one another when we share what the Lord gives us at the appropriate times. So don't be afraid to share as the Lord inspires you to. Let the Spirit of God guide you in all things.
Let us
consider these things deeply as we continue to draw closer to God in
preparation for what He is going to do with you during this year. The elevation of the Body of Yahshua is on His heart. We are about to experience the most glorious time ever! But elevation for some at this point
could bring disastrous results. When you yield to the Spirit of God He can work
in you the attributes that are necessary to help you become ready to carry the
Glory as manifested sons and daughters of the living God. Pray that you will not miss this one! Let Him work in you whatever is needed to respond to Him, NOW.

So don't think it strange when I say, "this is what the Lord told me". The Lord speaks to all of His children in varying ways.We edify one another when we share what the Lord gives us at the appropriate times. So don't be afraid to share as the Lord inspires you to. Let the Spirit of God guide you in all things.
Written by:
Rachel Baht BinahYah,
Feed My Sheep Ministries &
Messianic House Of Prayer