Tuesday, December 23, 2014

"God Gives Gifts To Men (Mankind)"...

During this holiday season many people are contemplating what kind of gift to give their loved ones. Maybe some have already set these gifts aside. Everyone likes to receive gifts! Some people may not believe in gift-giving during this time of year.  Whatever your belief, I'm positive that you enjoy giving and receiving a gift at some time in your life.

Just as a parent loves to give gifts to his/her children, how much more so does our heavenly Father love to give gifts to us, his children?

God Gives Gifts to Mankind! 

Psa 68:18  Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

Yahshua, gave up His life willingly, descended into hell, defeated captivity, ascended up to the throne of Yahweh His Father and received the gifts for all of mankind, even the disobedient, and evil ones. They have gifts too, but they use those gifts for evil against mankind. 

Rom_11:29  For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 

The gifts that Yahweh has given are not earned by righteousness or repentance, they are freely given to all even those outside of he household of faith. You can see that manifested all over the world, in sports, music, actors, fashion designers, architects, doctors, etc. These have nothing to do with whether you are holy or unholy.

Eph 4:8  Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men

Yes, many religious people think the gifts are talking about spiritual gifts like, faith, healing, working of miracles, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretation of those tongues, as in, I Corinthians 12:-10. We as believers also know that salvation, grace, love and the greatest of all gifts is Eternal Life! This is true, but that's not all.

1Co 12:1  Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 

The spiritual gifts are given to believers (in Yahshua/Jesus) through the Holy Spirit that one receives once you give your life to Yahshua. Even though it's through the same Holy Spirit, no two people will use these gifts in exactly the same way! They are to be used for the benefit and edification of everyone in the Body of Yahshua. There's no room for jealousy here.

God does give spiritual gifts to His children through the Holy Spirit. Some mimic these spiritual gifts as children. How many have said, "My son is going to be a pastor, or a preacher because they are already imitating what they hear in church and can do it at home on your "soap box"!
Some parents are able to nurture this.  Parents may know ahead of time, what spiritual gift the child will walk in later through a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit.    But until the child receives the Holy Spirit they are just in preparation stage or just imitating. Some exceptional children receive the Holy Spirit as early as four years old!  If after they receive Yahshua (Jesus) and Jesus gives them the spiritual gift of preaching or prophesying., that young person grows in it and literally launches into his or her calling as a youth, then continues into adulthood! This is truly an obvious spiritual gift, and a real blessing! 

Many, though, find out theirs later on in life after receiving the Holy Spirit.  Some believers have had to ask Yahweh for the manifestation of a spiritual gift like I did. I wanted, desperately, to speak in tongues. I was baptized at 18 years old  and received the Holy Spirit. I knew I had it because I was a different person, the understanding of God's word exploded in me, I was an over comer! I just didn't know about speaking in tongues. Our church didn't teach it.
As I became aware of the power of tongues I began to desire it. I read some where that a person had asked for it and received it. I asked God for it and after tarrying one whole year, I suddenly, began to speak in tongues during my worship time. Yahweh gave it to me. It just burst forth from me. No one was around to prompt me nor did I have to repeat after anyone. What a joy! This gift has helped me through some turbulent times! Tongues build you up on the inside and aligns you with your destiny! It's a holy language that only Yahweh understands. You can also ask for interpretation, which the Holy Spirit gives freely.

(Act 2:3-4  And they saw tongues, like flames of fire, coming to rest on every one of them. 4-  And they were all full of the Holy Spirit, and were talking in different languages, as the Spirit gave them power.) (Act 19:6  And when Paul had put his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and they had the power of talking in tongues, and acting like prophets.)

But, there are other kinds of gifts, called talents which are gifts that are built inside of each person genetically from their parents or family line. 

Yahweh has given each person special gifts or talents to develop and use for the service of mankind. Some people are excellent cooks (that's not my gift!), writers, actors, painters, artists, singers, inventors, scientists, athletes, etc. The list is enormous, why? Because Our Heavenly Father is so vast that all of mankind that ever existed still could not possibly
encompass all that He is! Yet He has given each one of us something that is unique to us. Even though we may have millions of artists? in the world, there are no two who express themselves in the same way.

 "God gives gifts to men".   

So, what is your spiritual gift (manifesting through the Holy Spirit) and or talent (passed down from your family)? What are you doing with it? Are you just sitting on it, or, did you bury it?   

What is the difference between a talent and a gift? Here's my explanation:

A gift is a spiritual supernatural manifestation that the Holy Spirit gives you when you give your life to Yahshua/Jesus. It is not something you've earned or worked for. It stays with you and is never taken away, even when you make mistakes, as longans you choose to walk with Yahweh. It is freely given to you for the edification of the Body of Messiah to do the work of the Kingdom and to give glory to Yahweh.

Talents or natural gifts are found in families, passed down genetically from generation to generation. It is nurtured easily or developed through hard work, but it's joyful work and something that you love to do and are fitted for. You don't mind the time it takes to learn the skill or craft.  

The more you learn the better you become. Soon others begin to notice how well you do. If you stop developing your talent you can lose some of it and would have to start all over again. But it's born into you and can be developed again. You can usually tell your natural gift by what you love to do most, whether it be a hobby or your favorite past-time, it's probably your gift! At least that's how I've come to understand it through my own experience.

Yahshua (Jesus) taught in parables. The parable of the talent is quite interesting. He's talking about the Kingdom of heaven: read it on your own-Matthew 25:14-29.

But I will mention this one scripture because it's so appropriate for those who are not doing anything with their talents...

Mat 25:29  For to everyone who has will be given, and he will have more: but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 

So many believers are only utilizing their spiritual gifts, forgetting that they have natural talents to develop as well. Don't bury them or leave them on the shelf. Sometimes they are hidden, but you can discover what are. They are usually those things you are keenly interested in and could enjoy doing all day long if given the opportunity.  You will have more variety of opportunities to do the work of the Kingdom in the market place and in the church! Let Yahweh expand your territory through all of your gifts!

"God Gives Gifts To Men". 

To whom much is given, much is required! Some people have multiple natural talents. As Yahshua/ Jesus mentioned in the parable of the talents some were given ten talents some five talents and some one talent. There's time for everything under the sun, even a time to develop the talents which God has given you.  Ask Him to give you opportunity to develop and use all of them to His honor and glory!

When you develop your natural talents and use your spiritual gifts to glorify your heavenly Father, whether it be in business or work, a student or a mom at home, you will have a more rewarding life on earth and multiply your rewards in heaven!

 written by:
Rachel Baht BinahYah,
Feed My Sheep Ministry &
Messianic House Of Prayer,

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Power Of A Good Attitude--"A Rejoice And Be Glad Story"

 Let me share with you a story of how I learned to have a good attitude through good and bad times alike. It all begins in a city in West Africa called Cape Coast,in Ghana West Africa. It was Sunday morning and I was at  church service during prayer time and the pastor was leading us all in prayer. He started directing us in each phase of our collective prayer as to what we were to pray about. Now if you are not familiar with how prayer is done in most charismatic or spiritual churches in West Africa, let me briefly describe how it is done. Whoever is leading prayer will make sure that everyone is engaged in every aspect of prayer. There is no passive listening to whoever is praying and just saying "Amen" at the end. The prayer leader will describe each phase for example: "Let's give thanks to the Lord". Then every one in the place will open their mouth and start giving thanks out loud in their own words what they want to give thanks for, until directed to stop. Then the next subject may be Let's ask for forgiveness etc.
So as we started praying I was disturbed in my spirit about my own particular situation. I was thinking about all the promises that Yahweh (God The Father) had given me regarding my station in life, my finances, my mission etc. I was starting to feel annoyed because I did not see the evidence yet, of all the promises He had given me regarding my personal life being fulfilled. It seemed that every time I would get a breakthrough in my finances or business it would not last. I seemed to be in a cycle of moving forward then sliding backwards. I was annoyed and frustrated so I decided to break away from the communal prayer and pray about my own issue. I wanted an answer--Yahweh (God) you promised this but yet I'm receiving something else.  Why, Why, Why, I was complaining. I must admit I did not have a good attitude, I continued on with my own wailing and whining until prayer was over.
After church I, my wife and children went home. As soon as we got in, my wife Theresa grabbed the remote control and "BLAM"-- on went the TV and true to Sunday tradition, there was a Preacher of a Mega Church from Nigeria preaching to his congregation. I was not too thrilled about hearing some more preaching. I kinda wanted to scold her about this preacher thing but held my peace.
The first thing I heard the preacher say was: "rejoice and be glad" He would read from the bible a verse about rejoicing give a personal testimony then return to the phrase (which was his theme) "rejoice and be glad".
Psalm 188:24-"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it".
I started to pay attention a little bit. The first story he started with was the testimony of his meager beginnings in the ministry. He shared with us how God called him into the ministry and he began with eight people in his house. The hard wood benches with no backs that he would bring from the back room (their bedroom) that people had to sit on--unbeknownst to them, doubled as their beds. No matter what the hardship he would still--"rejoice and be glad". Then the eight people turned to ten then fifteen and each time he and his wife would--you guessed it "rejoice and be glad". He would read another scripture tell another story then back to
Psalm 188:24-"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it".
He continually admonished his audience the importance of rejoicing no matter what your circumstance.
Another experience he shared was how they would have to travel by train to various places for the ministry with their raggedy and tattered luggage. Their luggage would be so raggedy and tattered they would have to tie it up with belts and ropes to keep it together. They would place the luggage at the other end of the car that they were in so that they could keep an eye on it out of the corner of their eyes, without people suspecting it was theirs. Again--you guessed it: "rejoice and be glad".
The testimony started to penetrate my spirit and I became interested in what he was saying. I could really relate. My bad attitude started to change to a good attitude.
Then he talked about how the blessing angels when they are sent from heaven with blessings look for and are drawn to those who are rejoicing--they don't go to the ones sulking in the corner with a bad attitude. He used the analogy of a Father who comes home from work tired and glad to be home. When his children see him and start running to him with all their might happy to see him screaming and jumping with delight it is a normal reaction for him to reach into his pocket to want to give them something. A good attitude invokes such a positive response. The one sulking in the corner with a bad attitude, not coming to greet him, does not illicit that type of response.
I could surely relate to that. So true, when my children run to me with glee and excitement It touches me in that same way. WOW! I was beginning to get the message. You guessed it. No matter what the circumstance it is in my best interest to "rejoice and be glad" and have a good attitude.
Finally the story that put the nail in the coffin so to speak and completely changed my outlook and attitude from the coffin of despondency, bad attitude and discouragement  was this:
The example of the high jump athlete. After clearing the first height the bar will be raised and after the second height it  is raised again. As the bar gets higher and higher the athlete has to go back further and further so that he can gain enough momentum to clear the next height.
That was the complete answer to my conversation and prayer I had that very morning with Yahweh (God the Father). Thank you Father I said I learned my lesson. I now know how important it is to maintain a good attitude no matter what. I will no longer complain and moan and wail when I go through adversity and trials  and troubles on my road to the fullness of my destiny. I will rejoice and be glad. I hope this rejoice and be glad story will be of help and encouragement to you as much as it was for me and help you keep a good attitude through every experience on your way to the fullness of your ordained destiny in life.

Psalm 188:24-"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it".

Contributing Author: Ahveekhy Ben BinahYah

Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Rejoice The Lord Said, Rejoice"

REJOICE! the Lord said, REJOICE!.   I asked my self, how am I going to do that?  inside my mind all the reasons why I should not, came into my head!  What should I rejoice about? I have this problem, and that situation, this is not going the way I want it to.  Does this sound familiar?  I'm sure it does.  This pattern of thinking is not of the Lord, it is the negative thoughts that are put into our head by our enemy, the devil.   We need to immediately bind it up and drive it out in the name of Jesus Christ (Yahshua).  The devil knows that the minute we REJOICE, he has lost.

Our joy and happiness comes from our Father in heaven, when he says to REJOICE! we need to begin to REJOICE!.  How do we rejoice?  there are many ways that we can rejoice.  As we read in: I Chronicles 16:8-12 - (8) Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. (9) Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works. (10) Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. (11) Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually, (12) remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.   How do you apply this to your personal situation?  I am sure that the Lord has intervened in each one of our lives in a way that you know it could only be him.  We can meditate on those things, talk about it to our family members and friends as a testimony (that is talking about his deeds among the people), take a moment during the day to thank the Lord for his blessings and wondrous works in our lives, spend time in the presence of the Lord, he will refresh you.

I want to share a testimony of how coming into the presence of the Lord brought great joy to my sister and I,  He helped us  to rejoice.  My sister and I  had been worshiping, singing and dancing and praising the Lord for about 2 hrs. one morning (which we decided to do together for a period of time) we felt the presence of the Lord in our midst, so we began to kneel before him.  While we were quietly waiting in his presence, I felt laughter welling up inside of me, I could not hold it back, I burst out laughing mildly at first, then harder and harder, I was laughing until my body was shaking with laughter....then my sister was starting to giggle and that sounded so funny I laughed even harder, soon we were both laughing so hard, (still on the floor) that tears were rolling down our faces, we were laughing for about 5 or 10 minutes. we felt so happy and refreshed after that, it lasted for the rest of the day. That's what the Lord can give you, Holy joy!, try it!

What the Lord said, "rejoicing gives life, it gives healing, not just for the people but for the earth, and for the atmosphere." 
Let's help the atmosphere we create, REJOICE!

Psalm 68:3-4
But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH. and rejoice before him. 

We need to be glad that we are alive at such a wonderful time on the earth, the Kingdom Age! the time of great triumph and joy for the bride (body)of Jesus Christ (Yahshua), Let's get closer to him so that we can really REJOICE!



Feed My Sheep Ministries
Messianic House  Of Prayer Ministries


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Music Is Our Hidden Heartbeat!

"Every human being has the need to express their inner selves,"says the Lord!

That statement has never been truer than it is now. Self expression is becoming more and more frowned upon and challenged these days. There is so much going on that keeps people from living the way that they really want to, with less and less freedom and liberty. 

The good news is that when you live under an open heaven, where the King of King resides, you are free indeed! Your mind and your heart are at peace and you can see the beauty of life, no matter how hard life seems to be. Our loving Father gave us a precious gift of music. It's

everywhere, all around us in nature.    

Let me share with you, if I may, some revelation from the Lord about the Arts and it's relationship to mankind:

"Every human being has the need to express their inner selves. I have given mankind the capacity to express themselves artistically, in varying ways, and each person needs to engage in these endeavors as a catalyst, or bridge, to their gifts (whatever they might be).  One of the most brilliant brain surgeons of our time (not named here) found revelation  for the solution to the most difficult, seemingly impossible (surgery) problems through nature, music and prayer. His enjoyment and use of classical music during his surgeries was an anchor for him."

The Lord continues...

"I've created music and art to be manifested through My creation, all around mankind, because it is a part of his being. It may not be everyone's profession or passion, but, it was created for man's development--a developmental jump-start."

"The music or art within you is to bring out your science, your techie side, your high academic achievement, or your creative cooking, etc. (whatever your passion is)."

"When people are able to 'tune-in' (to the music around them), their lives blossom. A stagnant lifestyle, on the other hand, is one that ignores the 'music' of life. Music is man's (mankind's) hidden heartbeat. Expressing love is musical! Keep your ears in tune with the music of nature. You will be enriched by it. Walk in joy and in love." (says the Lord). End.

Wow! I was truly blessed by those refreshing words. As a result of my conversations with the Holy Spirit, I've been listening more when I go for my daily walks. What beautiful sounds of nature I hear every day. The birds, the wind rustling through the leaves, the crickets, the squirrels  and the hawks in their cry of alarm. I am also getting back to singing a little more and playing the piano as best I can to release some more music into the atmosphere. You can too!
Imagine what heaven hears coming from the earth. Every planet in our solar system has a sound coming from it. The space shuttles have recorded them.  If everyone on earth began to sing everyday, positive songs out loud, can you imagine what it would sound like? 

Let's make voice prints towards heaven of songs that are thankful, positive and full of praise!  If the average person all over the world began to sing songs of thanksgiving instead of negative songs, it could literally change the atmosphere of our world! 

That's why worship is so important to our well being. All of us worship in varying ways. whether it be singing to our favorite tune, dancing or tapping our feet to a lively song. But worshiping our creator has a more profound effect upon our well being. Acknowledging our creator with a song or dance or playing an instrument will put joy into your spirit and bring a bounce to your step and change your outlook on life! There's something about the way Yahweh made us. Our spirit man needs refreshment and love. Our love toward Yahweh (God the Father) and Yahshua (Jesus) brings joy to us as a response from heaven. This is the reciprocity that takes place when we give our heartfelt thanks and praise to our Creator. 
When you are feeling low or depressed put on some good worship music and begin the thank God for all that He has done for you. Sing your thanksgiving to him in a tune that you've made up in your heart. I will certainly change your mood. Some people say, "oh I can't sing", but we all have vocal chords (unless you've undergone an operation to have them removed) that work and all you need to do is use them to make a sound towards heaven! You will be heard. Mother's always find a way to sing a lullaby to their newborn child. It's a natural thing for us. That same voice can be used to sing a "thank you" to your Creator who blessed you with that child! Don't be shy. Go to a private place if you don't want anyone to hear you and sing softly. God will hear you! He loves hearing his children sing to Him.       
There are many scriptures in the bible that talk about singing, dancing and making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Let's look at some of these:

Ephesians 5:19-20
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20-Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; (kjv).

This is our inner heartbeat in action! 

Exodus 15:21  And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. 

Miriam sang spontaneously about their triumph!

Exodus 32:18  And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear. 

Yahweh hears your singing. So sing to him!

Psalm 149:3  Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

If you hate singing (I hope no one feels this way) move your feet and arms to a good praise song. Dance before the Lord like David did! Or Learn to play an instrument!

Psalm 96:1-2
Oh sing a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth. 2-Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; show forth his salvation from day to day.

Some times while I am working during the day a familiar song I know will come to me and I'll start singing it. Well, sometimes a tune will come to my spirit that I've never heard before. I'll start humming it and start adding to it as I sing. That's a new song! Song writers sometimes wake up in the morning hearing a new song. They develop it into a full piece of music. 

I encourage you to take a situation in your life and start singing it through. You can make up a new song yourself!. Some children make up songs and chants about the things they love or want. Children love singing their favorite songs over and over again, anytime, anywhere.

We can learn from the spontaneity of children in making up a tune ourselves!  What melody can you create to thank the Lord and praise him today?  Let your music change your atmosphere to Joy! Remember, as the Lord said, music is your hidden heartbeat. 

P.S. Have you ever heart earth's sounds? Check out this link:  http://youtu.be/_bnU6K1y468

Written by Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Messianic House of Prayer &
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Are You Walking In Faith?

How can we walk in faith? Is it possible?

I want to share a testimony and some of what I studied on faith.

It is not always easy to walk in faith especially when you are in the midst of a trial, but it is a very important part of our walk with, Yahweh (God) and our Lord Jesus Christ (Yahshua).

When we have a better understanding of what it is to walk in faith, it can help us to be ready for the blessings Yahweh (God) has for us.   Let's read the scripture on faith and see some examples in this scripture of those who had faith.
(1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 
V-2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.
V-3 Through faith we understand that the world's were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
V-4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts : and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
V-5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
V-6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is ,  and that he is a rewarder Of them that diligently seek him.

As my sister and I were studying verse 1 on a recent fast we did together, we used the King James Scofield Study Bible and the Jewish Bible to look up some key words that will help us have a clearer understanding of verse 1.

The word SUBSTANTIATE is used as the base word for SUBSTANCE, which means: prove the truth of a claim. 
The word FAITH means: putting your trust or confidence in something.
TRUST means: being confident in what you hope for.
EVIDENCE means: proof or conviction of something.

So when you put verse one with the meanings of the words it sounds like this:
Faith is to prove the truth of a claim and being confident in what you hope for, convinced about the things we do not see. 

I want to share a testimony from my experience on how Yahweh (God) helped me when I walked in faith.

It was during a time in my life when Yahweh (God) was preparing me for the commission he has called me to do. I had already given my life 100 percent to him and said Father, I am yours, do with me as you will.  Yahweh (God) hears us when we do this and he tries and tests us but He is faithful to never leave or forsake us.  At this time in my life, I had 2 very young children, my husband and I were struggling financially and he had to work in another city commuting every day.  I was not working at the time and money was scarce. We were homeless and living in a hotel room. 

My husband had a new job and was paid every two weeks, we'll, you know how it is when you don't have much money and have to wait two weeks, the weeks are endless and the money you do have does not stretch. That's what happened.  I had no money left, and l needed food for the day. I prayed about it and reminded myself of the scripture - Philippians 4:19, But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 

 I decided to take the children out for a walk and just REJOICE!  I had to have faith that my Lord would provide, I did not know how, but I knew in my heart He would PROVIDE, we would eat that day. So that's what we did, I started singing and playing with the children.  We went to a toy store to look around, do a little window shopping.  The children and I were walking down an aisle in the store and I saw this green paper on the floor, what's this I thought, nobody was around, the store was not crowded.  I walked closer and saw a $20 bill on the floor. I was "excited" , nobody was around, could this be my blessing I said to myself, should I pick it up?  I asked these questions in my mind and the Holy Spirit said, "YES", so I picked it up and thanked the Lord.  Halleluyah! We would eat! Yahweh provided.

This is an example of Now faith. I needed Yahweh's (God) intervention that day.  I had to activate that faith by my actions; my joy, declaring His word and not allowing any negative thoughts or words to come from my mouth. Complete confidence in His word and remembering all the many times He intervened in my life.  It's not always easy to walk in faith, Sometimes we have to wait a while for our answer, but that does not mean He did not hear.

The Lord is always faithful. He intervenes in our lives in a variety of ways that we can't predict, isn't that wonderful?

End of part-1


Feed My Sheep Ministries
Messianic House of Prayer Ministries


Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Simple Truth About Preparing for Greatness

"My children who call My name will be lifted up in greatness and in power and in substance!" Says the Lord.

What an awesome promise quoted from the Holy Spirit's message that we received during worship. He continues by saying:

"I have formed each of you in the womb and have instilled certain virtues that are necessary for the fulfillment of My plan."
"If only more would honor me, and many try, I see their hearts and love their effort, but if only they would let go of those things that are clouding their understanding. If only they would read the scriptures, read My Word and pray and turn away from man's books and writings--the esoteric and divine and all of these things, the sum of the secrets of iniquity, [designed] to cloud My plan [and] make it seem archaic or complicated. When in essence the complication is in their application of these things."
 "My children, it is all here in My Word--simple, filled with truth and blessings. But all the things, the actions and activities [of this world's festivities] do not honor Me. These are the things, oh My people, if they only knew, that these are the things that distract and pollute the simplicity of my ways. Many are so steeped in these things that if it were removed, it would be as the scripture says: 'Rachel weeping for her children who are no more'. That is how much the earthly things have polluted [some of] the hearts of My people. They must learn to circumcise their hearts to put away that which is unholy and to embrace that which is holy. For in that they will see life, abundant joy, and deliverance."
" Oh how My people perish for the knowledge of Me has not been pure. But in My mercy there is time and this is where your prayers, My children, your supplications over the churches and those assemblies that you know of will make a difference. Some of their hearts can be turned and this is good." Thus says the Lord of Hosts!"(03-16-2013)
For those who need a touch of God's power in their lives, who find themselves always going through the trenches because of unwise decisions or even just at the breaking point, or those who may be find intimacy with God difficult at this time. Renew yourself in him through prayer. Find out the simple truth about how to get back in sync with Yahweh so that His Holy Spirit can begin to talk to you again and impress upon your Spirit how to walk\ more closely with Him. We must prepare in earnest now so that when the separation of the chaff and the wheat is completed you will be among the ripened wheat ready for your harvest. 

Also, join with me, wherever you are in praying for the churches in your own local area, that Yahweh will touch them by the power of His Holy Spirit to begin to receive instruction from Him as to how they can be in line with His will for them, in this Kingdom Age. More and more His body is being called upon to walk in authority and manifest the signs and wonders of His power and glory. Yahshua (Jesus) is not returning to a weak and powerless church that is defeated in their bodies (sickness) or in their finances (poverty, or in their manifestation of His glory (victory)! As a result of our need for more spiritual growth and power He is giving us time on this earth to walk in more dominion over darkness. This commission is not for the spiritually weak and faint at heart. This call is for the Spirit-filled, glorified sons and daughters, who know who they are in Him and who are showing others the way to victory over the downward pull of this nation and the nations of this world. We are to live well, love one another fervently and be willing to lead the way manifesting our kingdom position on this earth! 

I urge you to spend more time in prayer, fasting, and worship that you will break every barrier to the fulfilling of the purpose you've been called to. Become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit that you may be in agreement and in harmony with your decisions and your actions. We need a heightened sense of awareness as to where and how God is leading us. Don't be deceived by the voice of the evil one. Doom and gloom is not for the sons and daughters of the King of Kings! Rulership,dominion over evil forces on the earth, and greatness is our portion in Him! But, we must yield to God's will and purge ourselves of all darkness in order to receive this level of power. Through prayer and fasting, as in times past, we will increase our ability to hear God's voice in whatever way He communicates with you, clearly and strongly. This is the life-line of the children of God. Yashua is the vine and we are the branches. We must stay connected in order to move forward and produce great things in this Kingdom Age. Heaven is watching and cheering us on. Let's not disappoint our precious elder brother, our high priest and advocate Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) with apathy. It's time to be on fire for the Kingdom of God!

If you have not watched My video series on holiness, now would be a good time to do so. The Lord gave me specific things to share on these recordings. Each one was prayed over and tweaked according to the word of the Lord through His Holy Spirit. For some of you reading this it may be new information. But for most who have walked this way some years, this is just a review and a reminder of it's importance now more than ever before. Maybe you will be able to help others through listening to these nuggets. Here lies the Simple Truth about Preparing you and your family for greatness. 


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Heart Of God Is Calling To You!

This is the Voice of warning, the Voice of courage for the Bride of Messiah. This is what the Lord has spoken to me this morning while in His presence:

"It is time to prepare My Bride for elevation, for walking in power and authority. Without holiness you have no part in Me. My bride must reflect Me in every way. I am resting upon My people. I want them to be able to receive My glory upon their lives."

"Tell them, it's like when you are preparing for a royal guest. You would polish the china, silver, and crystal ware, every part of your home--you would bring out the best wine & food prepared to the ultimate perfection--your home clean and finely decorated--your body clean and arrayed in the finest clothing--your heart full of love and excitement, anticipating this grand event.  All is in order."

"This is not done over night, but the preparation takes weeks or months. You're rejoicing that He or She should choose to come to your home to visit you. You want to show your best--everything must be right."

"I am coming in visitation to those who have lived their lives in preparation for My return.  All should be in order. The spiritual preparation takes many years and then the physical preparation also takes time."

"Tell My people to prepare.  Prepare themselves spiritually--grow in holiness--getting rid of that which is defiling--that which reflects the darkness that surrounds the people.  Let none of the ways of this world's system contaminate your judgement, your opinions, your decisions.  Make it clear who you represent. Whom do you serve?"

"My people must be known as the people of the Most High God, Elohim, El-Shaddai--God Almighty;The One who always existed, unchanged--always and forever loving My children."

"It's time to gather the wheat--the harvest is about to begin. Open your hearts and purify your souls. All is not as it was. This is a new day, a new time. Most of My bride is still sleeping."

"AWAKE, Oh My blessed ones! I am calling you upward. Shed your old garments--the ways of your flesh and come to Me that I may clothe you anew."

"Be unified in Me. Are you encouraging and uplifting one another? Are you known among your brothers and sisters as one who loves? Do you speak of Me and My sacrifice?"

"Are you in love with Me, My bride? Why are you not calling upon Me more often? Why are so many too busy for Me? I am waiting for more of you. Do you believe that My presence is near--come, come near to Me My precious ones. All those who hear My call, come. Let Me prepare you, let Me adorn you again as I did in times past for My people Israel. Let me adorn all those who love Me and are willing to wear My garments of righteousness and the jewels of My glory."

"I have not forgotten you. My heart is with you day and night wanting the same from you. "AWAKEN, My bride, My precious ones. Don't let the cloud of darkness lull you to sleep."

"Live for Me. Walk with Me, talk with Me--My ears are open, I am waiting..."

"Blessed are those who have been faithful, who live for Me, whose lives I have cleansed and made ready.  For I will pour out, pour out My glory upon you that all may know I am YAHWEH, JEHOVAH, The Almighty GOD, the Alpha and Omega--the beginning and the end. Prepare for visitation. End.
                         Thus saith the Lord of Host.

Enjoy your day in his presence!

Rachel Baht Binahyah
Feed My Sheep Ministries &
Messianic House of Prayer

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Timing Is Everything...

When you look at time as we know it here on earth we often think it has always existed. Time on the earth is a created thing. Something that our creator gave to us on earth to measure our progress, to keep track of our life events and to calculate days, weeks, months and years and His Holy times and Seasons. We can't think in the realm of eternity where YAHWEH has always existed. 

Genesis 8:22  While the earth goes on, seed time and the getting in of the grain, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will not come to an end.

Psalm 104:19  He made the moon for a sign of the divisions of the year; teaching the sun the time of its going down.

In my quest for preparing for what's coming and all of the exciting events that are about to unfold. I sometimes get restless and impatient. This particular morning I was contemplating all of the prophetic things that have been spoken and proclaimed over the years and I began to talk to the Holy Spirit of Yahweh about how long it seems before things manifest on the earth. The Lord proclaimed that His people will be completely lifted up out of poverty and lack. When will this be Lord?, I asked. He answered, saying...

"Man does not understand timing as it is in heaven. You are all limited to the time frames on earth--in your thinking. You think years, months, weeks and days and heaven operates in patterns, seasons, layers, levels, sequence of events, fullness of fruit produced in a particular segment of one's life."
"Some people move forward in their live by leaps and bounds and have different results (fruit) than others who may move more slowly throughout their lives, taking in everything around them. Some build meaningful friendships--bringing others with them along the way--producing fruit with extra depth. Each one moves through life according to their personality and how I've made you. Some live, building for the next generation and never actually experience all that I have for them--their time comes quickly."
"My daughter, He said, don't compare your life to others'. What's going on with you is always going to be different because each person and their families are different and are commissioned differently." End.

Everyone has their own season for change, and no matter what era you are living in walking by faith is the only way to access what life has to offer. Sometimes no matter how much you try to bring your future into now, you are not successful because it is not your season. I've had to learn to live with that. Sometimes you can know what God has for you and access it by faith bringing it into your NOW and it works! Other times, however, if it is for a particular season that God has ordained for His purpose, it will be as if you are chasing the wind. You just have to remember, that Yahweh is in charge and His promises Never fail! So you may not be able to manipulate the timing of it's release, but be assured It Shall be fulfilled!

Now, more than ever we are learning about eternity. In heaven YAHWEH has a timeline and each major event on the earth has been pre-ordained in heaven according to His Eternal purpose. Before each major shift there is a transitional period on earth in which He allows His people to prepare for what's coming.

That transitional period of time as we know it here on earth has already passed and we are now in the beginnings of a new Era in the Spirit realm and on the earth! The shift has already begun. What shift you might ask?

A shift in Power for Yahweh's people. (Walking in Kingdom power and authority, pushing back darkness and taking authority over all evil, speaking His will over our cities and Government--seeing results!)

A shift in Position for Yahweh's people (Those living in Him are being lifted up and placed on top in wisdom and substance and those who are faking it will be separated out. The 'hidden ones' will be unveiled.)
A shift in Priorities for Yahweh's people. (Holiness & unity in the Body beyond denominational barriers and demonstration of our love for one another is a priority of focus for the church,now).

Just to name a few. God's timing is perfect. Let His perfect will be done in your life as it is in heaven. Ask Him to position you right now so that you can be ready to receive all that he is about to release to His remnant. 

Let's adjust our thinking to flow in  His timeline for our lives. Things are not regulated by our clocks, or by our physical age or by our thinking. 

Psalm 105:19  Till the time when his word came true; he was tested by the word of the Lord. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1  For everything there is a fixed time, and a time for every business under the sun. 

Ecclesiastes 3:11  He has made everything right in its time; but he has made their hearts without knowledge, so that man is unable to see the works of God, from the first to the last. 

If we move forward in what He has revealed to us and do it in the best way we know how, He will release what we need at the perfect time. As long as we are preparing in the way, that He has instructed some of us to, we cannot go wrong. We must STAY in readiness because timing is everything!

Rachel Baht Binahyah
Feed My Sheep Ministries &
Messianic House Of Prayer

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kingdom Age, What Does It Have To Do With You? Part II

Blessed be Yahweh and Yahshua Messiah for their endless love for us! These words are for you, the bride of Messiah. We will continue from part I.  After reading and studying Isaiah 25:1-7 I was directed to turn to Isaiah 60 and read verses 1-5.

These verses describe the time we are beginning right now, not in it's fullness, but as a fore taste of the glorious time to come in the millennial reign of Messiah. We must look forward into the future time and emulate it now! Much like the Holy Days (Pesach-Hag Ha Matzot, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, & Sukkot-Shimini Hatzeret; see Passover video series here), they are a foretaste of the plan of Yahweh revealed to those who keep it! The church, the body of Messiah is about to manifest the power, authority and prosperity that Yahweh's people will have in fullness during the Millennium! 

As I read each verse out loud, the Holy Spirit responded with words of insight. I will share this with you now:

Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

The Holy Spirit Said: "My glory shall fall upon My people to raise up My name and shine brightly through the darkness".

Isaiah 60:2
For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you.

The Holy Spirit said: "The separation of chaff and wheat [is come]. The glory shall be seen upon those who have been established by the LORD".

Isaiah 60:3
And the Gentiles shall come to your light, and Kings to the brightness of your rising.

The Holy Spirit said: "So shall it be in the years to come that My ways be established on the earth--that My wisdom be sought after".

Isaiah 60:4
Lift up your eyes round about, and see: they all gather themselves together, they come to you: your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side.

The Holy Spirit said: "Even those that are afar off or estranged from you will hear of your greatness and come to you and will repent!"

Isaiah 60:5
Then you shall see and flow together, and your heart shall fear, and be enlarged: because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto you, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto you".

The Holy Spirit Said: "Transference of wealth will take place, you will be full of reverence for Me in what I've done for you". End.

The Kingdom Age, What Does It Have To Do With You?

Yahweh is going to increase your capacity so that you can be transformed by His power to change you from what you are now into what God intended for you to become. You will be able to stand in His presence like Moses did and administer the glory of Yahweh to others. How? You must be sanctified and made Holy in His Love. You must saturate yourself with the revelation of Yahshua Messiah and become that revelation in your everyday life!

People will begin to seek after what you, the anointed of God, have. Even those in your families who have turned away from you because of your beliefs, even they will come to you because of the greatness of God in you. They will see the Glory of God upon you and want turn their lives around!

As the Body of Messiah we must begin to flow together beyond denominational walls and be able Love each other as never before.

(I John 4:7,21 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God. v.21-And this commandment have we from Him, that he who loves God, loves his brother also.) 

Remember, we need unity and complete harmony in the body of Messiah in order that the power of Yahweh can move through us corporately in unprecedented ways. As the Lord said to us at the Messianic House of Prayer...

"The one unifying ingredient is My Holy Spirit. Don't let the evil one fool My people. There is one body, unified by one Spirit--the Holy Spirit--testifying of Me."
 "There is a unity in the body (My true body) that is emerging and will increase in profound proportions as time moves towards My Plan. There has never been a greater time than now for My bride to come together in unity, putting aside denominational traps designed to separate the true body. Keep My Spirit in the forefront!" (to listen to the full prophetic message for 2014' click here)

Good admonishment for us to remember as we continue forward.

We are now in this new Era (Age) where the impossible is beginning to happen. What Does This Have To Do With You?

Spiritually speaking it is important to yield to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your life. You will need His direction at the right times so that no decision you make will be haphazard or impulsive. We must ask God for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in everything we do, say, teach or preach!

Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Feed My Sheep Ministries &
Messianic House Of Prayer