As we come closer to the time of the Days of Unleavened Bread (pasach) the Hebrew word for Passover, God's (Yahweh's) feast, it reminds me of a message we received from Yahweh the first day of Unleavened Bread, March 28, 2013. I want to share it.
Thus saith Yahweh (God) of Host.....
I love you my children. I am forming you into the force of my plan; for all of your activities and going's and comings, and all of the desires of your heart line up with my purpose for you. I rejoice at your coming together during a time that's so important, more important now than ever before, for my plan includes the whole earth. And during these times, these special days that signify my communication and my covenant with my people, it is so wonderful to be able to share them with you.
The peace that I give to you, the joy that I give to you has increased and will increase as the day's get closer and closer to my imminent return. Gird up your loins and stand, stand for righteousness, stand for obedience. I give you strength, I give you power, for none of your tasks that I commission you to do will go without results.
There is opposition, a turning away of many who are not ready for the truth, but you will speak forth truth, all of you, for your mouths and your hearts are willing. I am righteousness, I am perfection, I am peace, I am love and all who come to me shall have these things. This is the solution for the earth's woes, that when they turn and accept me every part of me, even the part that seems ancient to many, whatever they grab a hold of in me will give them life.
One day soon the celebration of my feasts in your home and in your city will be so glorious that people who hear about it will come for miles away to see the display of beauty and glory and joy and celebration. For your time is now, I am opening up the way for you to walk in boldness, for you to stand securely upon my precepts, and all that I've taught you and know that I have given you permission and power to speak in my name. Many people want this, but very few can stand up against the trouble, the persecution, the turning away of people that you speak to.
The weight of glory is heavy, but it is not for those who scorn, who put their hands to their ears, who gossip about my servants and the work that they are doing. Be prepared for rejection in some cases. Because of the hardness of the heart of some of my people, they will lose out on being in the midst of the most glorious time in history.
I am inviting all who will listen to take part in the greatest upliftment, the greatest outpouring of my Holy Spirit, the greatest time of miracles than ever before; the greatest abundance that my body has ever experienced and it hurts me to know that there are some who will not want to partake because they feel what you have spoken did not come from me.
Rejoice during these feast days and just imagine all over the world my people honoring me keeping the feast and Holy Days. I see some in pockets here and there and it is wonderful to see the small increase. But the increase will continue as more and more are exposed to the truth. Pray and watch and continue in your part, for the greatest revival is coming. It is drawing near. The end of message.
It is so important to listen to what Yahweh (God) reveals to you. If you are not sure that it is from him, pray and ask him. If you sincerely want to do what Yahweh (God) says, he will answer your prayer. During this age, the Kingdom Age, you don't want to loose out on anything that Yahweh (God ) has for you. Remember...the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)
Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
To learn more about Passover Go to our web site and read the articles on Passover.
Feed My Sheep Ministries
Messianic House Of Prayer
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