These verses describe the time we are beginning right now, not in it's fullness, but as a fore taste of the glorious time to come in the millennial reign of Messiah. We must look forward into the future time and emulate it now! Much like the Holy Days (Pesach-Hag Ha Matzot, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, & Sukkot-Shimini Hatzeret; see Passover video series here), they are a foretaste of the plan of Yahweh revealed to those who keep it! The church, the body of Messiah is about to manifest the power, authority and prosperity that Yahweh's people will have in fullness during the Millennium!
As I read each verse out loud, the Holy Spirit responded with words of insight. I will share this with you now:
Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
The Holy Spirit Said: "My glory shall fall upon My people to raise up My name and shine brightly through the darkness".
Isaiah 60:2
For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you.
The Holy Spirit said: "The separation of chaff and wheat [is come]. The glory shall be seen upon those who have been established by the LORD".
Isaiah 60:3
And the Gentiles shall come to your light, and Kings to the brightness of your rising.
The Holy Spirit said: "So shall it be in the years to come that My ways be established on the earth--that My wisdom be sought after".
Isaiah 60:4
Lift up your eyes round about, and see: they all gather themselves together, they come to you: your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side.
The Holy Spirit said: "Even those that are afar off or estranged from you will hear of your greatness and come to you and will repent!"
Isaiah 60:5
Then you shall see and flow together, and your heart shall fear, and be enlarged: because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto you, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto you".
The Holy Spirit Said: "Transference of wealth will take place, you will be full of reverence for Me in what I've done for you". End.
The Kingdom Age, What Does It Have To Do With You?
Yahweh is going to increase your capacity so that you can be transformed by His power to change you from what you are now into what God intended for you to become. You will be able to stand in His presence like Moses did and administer the glory of Yahweh to others. How? You must be sanctified and made Holy in His Love. You must saturate yourself with the revelation of Yahshua Messiah and become that revelation in your everyday life!
People will begin to seek after what you, the anointed of God, have. Even those in your families who have turned away from you because of your beliefs, even they will come to you because of the greatness of God in you. They will see the Glory of God upon you and want turn their lives around!
As the Body of Messiah we must begin to flow together beyond denominational walls and be able Love each other as never before.
(I John 4:7,21 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God. v.21-And this commandment have we from Him, that he who loves God, loves his brother also.)
Remember, we need unity and complete harmony in the body of Messiah in order that the power of Yahweh can move through us corporately in unprecedented ways. As the Lord said to us at the Messianic House of Prayer...
"The one unifying ingredient is My Holy Spirit. Don't let the evil one fool My people. There is one body, unified by one Spirit--the Holy Spirit--testifying of Me."
"There is a unity in the body (My true body) that is emerging and will increase in profound proportions as time moves towards My Plan. There has never been a greater time than now for My bride to come together in unity, putting aside denominational traps designed to separate the true body. Keep My Spirit in the forefront!" (to listen to the full prophetic message for 2014' click here)
Good admonishment for us to remember as we continue forward.
We are now in this new Era (Age) where the impossible is beginning to happen. What Does This Have To Do With You?
Spiritually speaking it is important to yield to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your life. You will need His direction at the right times so that no decision you make will be haphazard or impulsive. We must ask God for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in everything we do, say, teach or preach!
Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Feed My Sheep Ministries &
Messianic House Of Prayer