Monday, February 24, 2014

Holiness Required For Kingdom Power And Authority February 22 2014


The Church and the Body of Messiah is coming into a time of unprecedented glory. A time when all that we have been waiting for will begin to manifest in our lives. 

You are the MANIFESTED sons of YAHWEH ready to take your place as the head and not the tail, IF, you have allowed the LORD to single you out, set you aside, groom you, feed you, clean you up, care for you when you were rejected, love you when others turned away and showed you hatred. IF you have allowed the LORD to wash you when you became contaminated by others around you (and your own sins), cleanse your heart  and put you through the fire to make you pure before him; IF you have accepted the raiment; clothing of righteousness that He wanted to put on you and received His outpouring of love upon you, THEN you are waiting with great anticipation for your unveiling. This is sanctification.  For the Lord has kept a certain portion of the bride hidden, cloaked so that His plan would not be undermined. Praise God for his mercy in making His Bride ready!

But don't be fooled into relaxing and thinking you have it made!  Many of you have not allowed to LORD to sanctify you. You have wanted to be comfortable, acceptable to others and lived your own life. NOW it is time to lay down your own agenda and sell yourself completely to Yahshua (Jesus), presenting yourself as a living sacrifice to God. You must become HOLY and acceptable to Him!

The following video is as a result of an admonition of the LORD that no one will see Him or be used by Him in the greatest most unprecedented time on this earth without manifesting the holiness of God. This is the first of a series of video's that I will be doing on the subject of holiness.


Rachel Baht Binahyah
Messianic House of Prayer &
Feed My Sheep Ministries

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