Here's what the LORD GOD, YAHWEH has revealed for 2014. He says:
" Suddenly, there will be a massive awakening in this coming year. People will see the full extent of the government's plans. They will awaken and ban together. I will help those who resist. It will no longer be a time of passive compliance because people will be able to trace everything back to the agendas that are documented. Everything that the forces of evil want to do is documented. It can be traced. I will move people to do this. More and more government confusion, contradictions, open use of control tactics, identifiable unconstitutional activities and people will not tolerate them. The Government will be taken down--more threats to the United States. Outside foreign powers will give the U.S. a final ultimatum and the U.S. will ignore it--all forces of evil will be loosed upon the U.S. government and a new government will quickly be put in place."
"This year (2014) will bring so much confusion and heartache for many as the people wade through all of this. There will be a dividing line--a separation of the 'chaff and the wheat' for a short time."
"I am also building an strengthening My new nation. You (My people) will stand in power and will visibly be unshaken by all that's going on. {2014}-a time more than ever before when My people will be covered and able to undergo the final preparations for My glory to pour out upon those who are ready to carry the torch in the new age (era) that's being ushered in. My people will be able to move freely through all of this only if they remain close to Me. I will lead them by My Spirit through My anointed, through righteous heads of households, through individuals who have given Me their lives. They will follow My instructions."
2014-"It will be a 'nightmare' year for many. The stresses are mounting and many people's hearts will fail them. Thousands will die! There's no turning back the clock. Death is as the door of the United States. Some still do not believe Me. "My heart is always hopeful that lives will turn and change will rapidly bring them to Me."
"Do not tolerate sin. Do not condone disobedience to My word--for those who come your way will need to understand My intolerance for openly and knowingly excusing sin in their lives."
"...My way of life and the joys of My kingdom is essential for the deliverance of
My people. Their hearts must not fail them during these times of crisis. No one can fix what is coming. No one can keep the government from falling, nor the terror that will hit this nation. It is time for all those who have mocked Me and played the game of chess over the people's lives, to reap what they've sown, and the reaping will go on for several years."
"More changes will take place in 2014 than in any previous year:
- a year of breaking down,
- a year of new beginnings,
- a year of the greatest oppression in the United States,
- a year of the gathering of My people in unity,
- a year of the burning of the 'chaff',
- a year of the mobility of My new nation."
"My patience is burning within Me--so many are crying out, so many are in desperation and in need of deliverance. I cannot ignore the cries of My precious children for the sake of those who do NOT intend to repent and walk with Me. Yet, I have given chances, I have held back My judgment for the sake of the many who still rebel and refuse to change their will from being against the people of the earth. All of creation is Mine. The earth is My Footstool and not a platform for every kind of foul and sinister scheme to reduce man into subjects of animal type cruelty. I am the avenger of the helpless."
"Yet, even in My fury I make a way for those who don't want any more participation in evil, who are filled with the need to get out of the death trap they are in. I want that all be saved! This is why I will move forward in the events that will usher in a time when My glory will cover the earth. Every man, woman, and child will get a taste of My kingdom and I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Yes, I sent out My anointed Ambassador to proclaim these things in great power and authority."
"There has never been a greater time than now for My bride (My people) to come together in unity, putting aside denominational traps designed to separate the true body. Keep My Spirit in the forefront. My love must flow in full force on the earth. When My people finally realize the need for unity and complete harmony--the power will be unprecedented. The one unifying ingredient is MY SPIRIT--don't let the evil one fool you (My people). There is One Body, unified by One Spirit--the Holy Spirit--testifying of Me."
End of Message.
What did YAHWEH mean when he mentioned the burning of the 'chaff from the wheat'?
A couple of scriptures come to my mind right now that I would like to share:
Isaiah 5:24 Therefore as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Psalm 35:5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them.
For those whom the LORD YAHWEH has warned and have not heeded and continue in their evil plans against the people of the earth, they will be as the chaff spoken of in these two scriptures! Repentance must come before salvation can be given!
It is important that those who are not fully under the blood covenant of Yahshua begin to understand the importance of doing so right now. Do not delay! A simple prayer can start you on the road back to your heavenly Father. Pray this with me now in all sincerity, with your whole heart:
Our Father who is in heaven HOLY is your name,
Your Kingdom come Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive me for my sins AS I have forgiven those who have sinned against me.
Let me not be let into temptation
But, deliver me from the evil one
For Yours is the Kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever and ever, Amen!
If you need prayer or help in your journey back to your heavenly Father through Yahshua (Jesus) and would like to contact us through our website click here.
Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Messianic House of Prayer
& Feed My Sheep Ministries
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