Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Young People, You Have A Special Place In The Heart of Jesus(Yahshua)!!

So often as adults in all of our busyness with the things of God, our children can forget that God loves them and has a specific purpose for their lives too. I would like to share portions of messages that our children, at the Messianic House of prayer received from the Lord. These messages apply not only to believers' children but to all young people who want to make a difference in the world they currently live in and allow Jesus (Yahshua) to live in them so that they can do all sorts of wonderful and powerful things in their lives.

I dedicate these words to my own children, nieces and nephews and to ALL children and young people on this beautiful earth. May it change your lives and give you hope for a better world and future.

On July 7, 2012 This is what the Lord, Yahshua (Jesus) said:
"All around the world I am calling children and young people to Me, for they are My heart.There are many whose souls I have retrieved from death, from destruction, from confusion and they have a special place in My heart. If they seek Me they will find Me, for I am here, I am here for you and your children. Blessed are you."

On November 27, 2012 this is what the Lord, Yahshua (Jesus) said:
"There are times when things seem very heavy, but, it is upon My heart to say this: My young ones (Young people), I do not want any of you to be discouraged or heavy laden or doubting. For I know that you are young and sometimes when one is young one wants to see immediate results, but you too My young ones must build character. You must know that good things take time. So fear not and do not worry, for I hear your outcry. As you move towards My Kingdom, great joy is coming upon you.  I am your deliverer, not as a man but as the Almighty, Powerful Deliverer, with the same power that parted the red sea, the same power that caused the wet sand to dry and turned the mud to dry land so that My ancient children who feared for their lives could walk in confidence.  So it is with you. You will walk in confidence as I show you My love. Blessed are you My young ones."

On December 29, 2012, this is what the Lord, Yahshua (Jesus) said:
"I am calling them (young people) to participate in the greatest youth ministry ever to come upon the earth and the young people who have not know My name, who have no understanding will begin to ask questions. There are many, many young people that I will be using that are strong, that are alert, that can move towards the attainment of righteousness. For this move (of young people) will not necessarily be a religious move for religion has no place in what is about to happen.  The clarity of vision, the walk of power and authority I have given to the young, and the old, whomever is desiring to walk in power and understanding of My plan, will do so. Your children will lead the way and yes, there are many powerful children on the earth who take authority over evil more than some adults. My heart is filled with joy, young and old who are willing to be used in a mighty way."
"Do not diminish what I can do among the youth for it may seem that they will never make it. But, with the prayers of the righteous and the example set before them they will move forward with eagerness and with a command that has never been seen before."
                                                                     End of Messages.

My Comments:
Young people, give thanks and rejoice in the Lord. He has given you a wonderful portion to bring to the world. The scripture (read Joel 2:28) talks about when He pours out His Holy Spirit on the earth, that Sons and Daughters will prophesy--you will know what is coming and proclaim it to others, you will be a voice of courage, hope and warning. Young Men, you will see visions and declare and proclaim what you see. That time is coming up very soon. You can be assured that His heart is moved towards you. Ask him to make himself personal and real to you. Get to know him as your friend.  So,take the time out of your busy school days to talk to and  pray to the One whom you can come to. He's better than an 'imaginary' friend because he answers you, if you are doing the right thing. You can talk to him about anything on your mind because He knows what's on your mind, but, He wants to hear from you. He wants your friendship, forever! Don't keep your friend waiting!

Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Messianic House of Prayer,
Feed My Sheep Ministries

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