Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Look Into The Heart of Yahshua (Jesus) Part 2

This is the second part of 'A look into the Heart of Yahshua (Jesus). It is my prayer that these words are building up your faith and giving you a taste of what is coming so that you can prepare yourselves. Having the right mind-set and expectation can help us to pray more effectively for God's will to be done on the earth as it is done in heaven. So, I will continue the Message of November 3, 2012.

Thus says the Lord, Yahshua...
..."Live free of worry and anxiety. Know that I've got your back. Don't worry about the little things. And of course there are those who will not like what you (My people) are doing. For you are too free and you are too happy, for these are times of sorrow. Some will interpret scripture incorrectly, that when one weeps all weep and when one has joy all have joy. All will NOT have joy when you (My people) have joy. You (My people) will not weep when others weep, but will pray and administer my love to them {that weep} and care for them in kindness and patience. There is a difference in that mind set, for it is meant that you do not turn your back upon those who are low and who are suffering, if I send them to you. Show them My love, give them hope, set the atmosphere for worship, declare My glory, declare My righteousness and lift up the heads that bow in shame.  For there is no shame in repentance...for if only the nations would bow their heads in shame, then I would come to them and show them the way to restoration."
"But, the heaviness on My heart is that very few will do that.  Very few leaders of great wealth are bowing their heads in shame. Man left to his own understanding brings destruction, war and woe.  The arrogance and the self-assurance of the evil one's influence upon the nations will be seen openly.  Man was created to be confident, to be bold in righteousness, to be strong, but, not in one's own strength, not aside from Me. For when that happens, the evil one steps in and takes over. He sees opportunity in the arrogance of man, for his whole nature is hateful and deceitful. And when there is disconnection from the source of real life, the death angel has his way. Before death there is a tearing down--a destructive force that undermines every good thing." 
This is {also}a war among the saints. You {as the body of Messiah) must recognize the source of these {destructive} attitudes in others and begin to turn it around.  Most times attitudes are learned behaviors and people follow the pattern that they have seen and learned from others. My children, as restorers you are able to see the source, deal with the source and help turn them around. For by My Spirit all things can be overcome if the heart is willing."
This next segment the words to the song that came from the Holy Spirit . The melody will be posted on You Tube-Messianic House of Prayer (HOP) at a later date.   

                                                   Prophetic Song

                                  Overcoming is difficult for some
                                  Overcoming is impossible for some    
                                  But through My Spirit all is exposed
                                  For overcoming is easy.

                                  Understanding does not happen for all
                                  In My glory it is possible for all
                                  When you walk in glory
                                  When you're shining brightly
                                  You walk through the darkness
                                  Light shines on your path, you'll see
                                  For overcoming is easy in Me.

                                  Overcoming is too difficult for some
                                  Overcoming is not possible for some
                                  But through My Spirit, My love that flows out
                                  Can break down the walls of resistance.

                                  When you go to the nations and open your mouth
                                  The seeds that you sow will grow
                                  And those seeds will bring forth overcoming.

                                  For overcoming is not easy for some
                                  Overcoming is not possible for some
                                  But by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts
                                  All things can be overcome. 
                                  Rejoice, rejoice , rejoice
                                 'Cause in me all things can be overcome.
"My children, you have overcome many obstacles, many weaknesses, much of what you've been through is meant to help, to nurture, to bring forth a new nation, a nation of people who will stand up against the evil one. Who will have the strength of an army to declare what is theirs!"  End of message segment.

It is Yahshua's heart that wants God's children to overcome all obstacles, weaknesses and fears that would hold them back from standing strong in His glory with confidence. All things can be overcome if we stay in Him, cling to Him and move by His Spirit. Pray for those who have fallen backward and have not been diligent in obedience to the Father, that they will see the need to repent and turn around, that their eyes can be opened to the corruption around them and get on board with Yahshua (Jesus)!  Pray for the repentance of our nation and our leaders that they may choose life. Pray for one another. 

Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Messianic House of Prayer,
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Thursday, December 26, 2013

As Long As There Is Time, There Is Hope!............Part1

Message received from God the father and Jesus Christ the Messiah on January 7, 2013.

Thus saith God of Host....
My children blessed are you.  These are times of great duress for some of my people. Your prayers are needed to continue throughout the months because many are in need of my covering.  I bless you my children for the prayers that you are continuing to send up, for these are difficult times and times of uncertainty.  And as you pray, more and more will be helped.  All of the prayers of my righteous ones are meaningful, create movement on the earth.  So my children as you pray for my people scattered throughout the earth, more of them will be strengthened.  Pray for those who have back-slidden, who are struggling under personal difficulties, who have turned away because they feel they don't have a chance; my love goes out to them as well, for as long as there is time there is hope. end of message part 1

Deuteronomy 4:30
When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; 
Deuteronomy 4:31
(for the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he swear unto them. 
Isaiah 55:6
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.
Psalm 70:4
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, let God be magnified.
Luke 21:36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Col 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Father I pray for those of your people who have back-slidden and feel hopeless, that you will encourage them with your word, and strengthen them with your love.  

There is still time to turn to God and accept Jesus Christ the Messiah as your savior and redeemer.  Take the time daily to seek God's face in prayer and supplication. 

 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.(Proverbs 3:6) 

If you would like to understand the importance of salvation for yourself and your loved ones click here to read an article "Why Do I Need Salvation?"

Messianic House of Prayer Ministries
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Monday, December 23, 2013

A Look into the Heart of Yahshua (Jesus) Part 1..

On November 3, 2012 Yahshua spoke to us, at the Messianic House of Prayer, in a very passionate way. It is an awesome thing to experience hearing the heart of Yahshua. As you read these words let your heart be comforted and uplifted, if you are clinging to Him. If you are in need of an awakening, then let these words stir you to action...get back to God in fervency and obedience! We have a loving and merciful Father who cares whether we live eternally or die eternally. He wants that all should have Eternal Life. But, He never takes away our right to choose. Choose life that you and your generations after you will live eternally!

Thus saith the Lord, Yahshua...
"All My children, you are welcomed here on this Shabbat...I welcome you.  You are mine and you have shown your obedience to My word. These days are dark for many on this side of the earth and in pockets all over the world. Numerous events are beginning to unfold simultaneously, for many are reaping what they have sown for many years. And in My heart I know that they will not change.  There are some nations in the far East and a few in the southern borders who are reassessing the history of their country and the activities within. There are meetings taking place in which they discuss changes that they hope to make as a result of My Spirit going forth through My servants.  It is those nations that I am delivering from what is to come." 
"Walk in faith. There is no place for negativity or for sorrow. And yes, the picture that you will see of familiar territory will be changed. Some areas you will no longer recognize, much like the Twin Towers in New York City. For it's destruction has changed the whole culture of the city, to have their 'beloved icon' wiped away.  And there are other such icons and places which are held very dear that are no longer. It is the beginning of woe for some. Do not mourn for what is lost.  Continue to pray for a repentant nation and for the protection of My people.  It's a time of soul searching for many, a time of retrospect. Though some will refuse to do that,  there is brokenness in some." 
"It is important that you (My people) keep your eyes on Me, for My Kingdom is your hope of glory. It is that through which I will restore all that is lost. There are solutions to problems, there is restoration yet to be accomplished. One day will not be the same as the next. What I have in store for you (My people) will change overnight. In one instant all will be restored to you."   Message to be continued next time."

This is great news for those who have been long waiting for the promises of God. Some of us are undergoing great trial right now and are wondering "when will the Lord intervene?" His glory will fall upon all of those who have responded to his cleansing and purging. Greatness cannot be put upon anyone suddenly. There must be much preparation and sacrifice.  Over the years the Lord has been preparing his children to go forth with power and might and much substance in these next coming years. Your preparation will not be in vain. Restoration of the Body of Messiah, the Bride of Christ is about to burst forth! Are you ready?  Here are some profound words....

 Restore, I pray you, to them, even this day, their lands, their vineyards, their olive-yards, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, that ye exact of them.(Nehemiah 5:11)

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. (Joel 2:25)

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the earth brings forth her bud, and as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. (Isaiah 61:10-11)

Take great comfort in these words, people of God! 

However, I am not saying that all will experience this joy.
Those who are still living for themselves in sin will not take part in this restorative age without suffering judgement and great loss. It is NOT time to sit back smugly and think to continue in walking contrary to the will of God  for your life! I urge anyone living in sin, walking contrary to the way of righteousness and holiness to stop and repent before the destruction begins. There's but so much time left. All of God's prophets and those speaking forth his words are saying the same things. Destruction is coming upon those who are not covered under the blood covenant of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), even among his own people who are not seriously clinging to Him and obeying His word! You reap what you sow....

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.(Hosea 8:7)

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. (Hosea 10:12) 

 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting! ( Galatians 6:7-8)

For if you live after the flesh, you shall die: but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:13-14)

Be not weary in well doing, for in due time you will reap if you faint not! (Gal. 6:9) 


Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Prophetic Word For Pittsburgh, PA...

Message from the Lord of Host on December 29, 2012.  During praise and worship service  Yahweh (God the Father) spoke to us through the Holy Spirit. I was commanded by the Lord to open my mouth...This is what He said....

"My children, these days are very uncertain for those that put their trust in physical things.  Yes, there are pockets of cities that will begin to rise up and turn around to develop and blossom as I have promised for your cities, but the City of Pittsburgh upon whom I have placed My name will be first. As I have promised your father {the late Dr. Stanley Lowe, aka Elder Binahyah}it is {to be} the city of Light. And when the Light shines forth many, as they are now, will begin to notice the uniqueness of this city. But, there is still much to be done for the streets are filled with uncleanness and violence and the mind of some are wicked, are down pulling and respond to darkness." 

"But there is coming a time very soon, My children, when the city will be cleansed, when righteousness will dominate, when My children will rejoice. Those who have carried heavy burdens over many years will begin to see the light as it spreads and encompasses their lives.  I am moving powerful ministries into Pittsburgh and you will begin to see pockets of change.  I am bringing down current churches and ministries who refuse to change over the course of the years that I have put upon them the need to change. The vision of some is clouded and distorted because their minds are looking to the physical man or woman to show them the way."  

"My children, continue in your prayers for your cities that My power will move through there and that all who are asleep, who could make a difference, will awaken and open their eyes and begin to see the truth.  There is no more excuse or leniency for those whom I have anointed, who are not walking in obedience; there is no more turning of the head for those who are blatantly walking in sin.  So there are ministries throughout the earth that will shift their territory, that will move in different regions that they've never been before and all will grow and develop according to My plan.  This is one of the final preparations before the outpouring of My spirit comes as never before."  Thus says the Lord of Host. End  of Message segment.

The only churches that will come down are the ones NOT built upon the rock of Jesus, the foundation of truth. Whose leaders are not hearing the word of the Lord or who are hearing but not doing what the Lord is telling them to do. 

Luke 6:46-49 says:
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? 47-Whosoever comes to Me and hears My sayings, and does them, I will show you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. 49-But, he that hears and does not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

Open your hearts to what the Lord is showing you at this time. Every 'house' (church) has a commission from the Lord to provide spiritual food unpolluted, teaching righteousness and holiness to the Body of Christ, loving one another in the fear (reverence) of God; preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations. Be sober and vigilant!  Act while there is still time.

Here are some things Pastors and Elders can do to turn things around in their churches:

 Joel 2: 15-18 says:
 ...Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
6-Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. 
17-Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the alter, and let them say, Spare your people, O Lord, and give not your heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: Wherefore should they say among the people, "Where is their God?" 18-Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people. 

People of God in Pittsburgh, PA rejoice! Not all is doom and gloom. Yes, as was brought out here in previous posts there will be much destruction in this city as in others, but, not all of Pittsburgh will suffer. As mentioned above there will be pockets of change for the better as rebuilding begins to take place and the move of God's Spirit upon this city, many will flock to it.  Pray for the leaders and the people of Pittsburgh!

Rachel Baht Binahyah
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rest In God And He Will Bring You Peace.

I am sharing a portion of the message we received from God of Host and our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah on April 6, 2013, as God has instructed.

Thus saith God of Host.....
As you rest in me it will be easier and easier, and more peace will I impart to you. This is what the world needs, more of my peace.  But in this disturbed world and all its chaotic events, there is very little peace in the midst's of it all; and it will get worse. People will wonder where I am, but those who put their trust and confidence in my word, will stand firm and not be overthrown by adversity and violence.  So keep your eyes on me and your ears open; and your mind free of anxiety and worry, that I may move you at any moment wherever you are, that you will be guided by my spirit.   End of section.

Psalm 37:7(KJV) Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

Psalm 37:8(KJV) Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.

Psalm 37:9(KJV) For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.

Psalm 18:2(KJV) The Lord is my rock, and fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust, my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Psalm 18:30(KJV) As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.

Message continues........
For in heaven there is great joy and excitement, anticipation from my body coming together in my presence, all the activity in heaven is soon to be manifested in various places on the earth; as more of my righteous ones give clarity in their commission, clarity in the job that must be done in preparation for my Kingdom.  And although there will be terrible things continuing on the earth, this time my children, is a time of great joy for my people as I unveil what has been hidden, and the glory that will shine upon those that I have been working with and grooming for this moment; will bring tears of joy to those who have been waiting and crying out for deliverance, for some sort of movement, for a sign that I love them.  End of message. Thus saith God of Host.

Isaiah 55:10-12 (KJV) V-10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not tither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: V-11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return void, but shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. V-12 For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Father I pray that your people be filled with your love, joy and happiness.
Blessed is the name of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ ( the Messiah).

Messianic House of Prayer Ministries
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Saturday, December 14, 2013

God always warns before he acts.....Don't ignore the warnings!

I pray that what I share will help anyone who reads it.  The Lord has said to share, as his watchmen, what he has spoken to us through his Prophetess.   After we finished in praise and worship on June 22, 2013,

Thus Saith the Lord of Host:
"My children my heart is overcome with sorrow, with anger and at the same time with great joy, because my Kingdom is the only solution and it will be so obvious. But those who are evil continually will not even see it. My heart is that some who are involved in all of these different things, who are suffering, who don't want to be a part of it, who want out and can't, my heart is that they shall be set free, even if their life depends upon it, even if they have to give their lives that they not be a part of this, this is not of me my children, it is not my desire that the people of the earth become slaves, that they become overwhelmed with terrible burdens and it's been going on too long, and yet few will listen, few will open their hearts to me.  So your commission is very important my children, again you would never be able to carry the load I carry, I'm not asking you to mourn and wail and weep every day, but to delight in me, to be filled with joy in that I am the solution, that there is hope and that is what the world must see, there is hope, there is a solution, all is not lost. But why does man wait until the bottom falls out before they cry and weep to be rescued? and it has been like that since the beginning, warnings don't work, talking sometimes doesn't work, for people are still of their own opinion, oh! nothing's going to happen to me, oh!everything will remain the same. And as in the examples of old, there was always a warning, and the warning was always at a time when it seemed that it didn't make any sense.  And so to is it now, speaking of the things going on, 98% wouldn't believe it, in their heart they would not believe it and that is why destruction takes place. If they believed it, prayers, supplications, fasting's and uprisings, my people would be stirred to action and through that many would be saved."

As the Lord said, "as in the examples of old, there was always a warning".

Genesis 6:13(KJV) and God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.  

Genesis 6:17(KJV) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. 

Matthew 2:13(KJV) And when they departed,(the wise men) behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 

And the Lord warns us in this present age, sometimes through dreams, revelations, and prophetic messages.

I want to share a dream that my son had one night as he slept.  The dream was interpreted as a warning, a revealing of the evil vampire-ism around us, in places that were familiar to us.

The dream started out with my mom going to mail a letter, it was night time, and my mom took me and my brother to the local post office to mail a letter.  The post office was on the roof of the building so we had to take an elevator.  As we arrived at the top of the building we left the elevator, as we stepped out the elevator I saw a camp fire burning in front of the mail box with three people sitting in front of it.  I could sense that these people were satanist making a sacrifice. I was telling mom and my brother to come back, then my mom told me and my brother to run to the elevator, we ran to the elevator and pressed the button to open the elevator door, as we stepped into the elevator, as soon as the door shut one of the satanist was in with me and grabbed me, pulled out a scythe and hit me on the side of my neck at the vein and blood was coming out, then I woke up.  end of dream.

It is always important to pray and ask God to reveal to you any message or meaning of a dream that you feel is important.
I pray that God will awaken any of his people who are hearing, reading or seeing his warnings. That they take heed, draw closer to God and our Lord and Savior (Messiah) Jesus Christ. and be ready for the Kingdom age that God is bringing to the earth.

Father we pray, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Messianic House of Prayer Ministries
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Friday, December 13, 2013

Judgement and Blessings....

Here are some excerpts from messages I received from YAHWEH, our heavenly Father, spoken to us and transcribed onto paper. These words from the Lord are so relevant to now.  

Thus Saith the Lord of Host:  On October 13, 2012
(Judgement)..."The tide of the flow of My Spirit is increasing.  You will see  more activity in the churches, more disruption in the religious circles. Some will turn completely in the opposite direction, more towards the occult, thinking that it will give them more power and they will be deceived.  Some will need to be warned because if the are not warned them many people will be deceived.  I have raised up some to do that."

"These are serious times just before I visit the earth in fullness of judgment. Not because I want to see destruction but because the one that is evil is relentless , is gaining momentum, is deceiving and lashing out wanting that all should be destroyed--and I send forth my servants to warn, to plead even to the point where some of them look unbalanced, but it is because their heart is moved and they want to see more turn to righteousness."

"My people must walk with more power than ever before.  Man and his wickedness is increasing beyond measure, with nations being influenced by democratic lies and whatever names they put upon it, it's all the same--lies.  It's tearing apart nations, it's diminishing power, it's turning hearts away from Me." End of Message.  

Thus Says the Lord of Host:   October 9, 2012
"Much like those who clung to the Ark during the time of great destruction upon the one heeded warnings but when they saw what I produced through Noah, they clung, scraped the sides of the Ark...but could not be let in.  It was too late. So too are those who have not put away their gods, they have not surrendered their heart to Me, they have not turned aside from their pleasures and they will not be able to go through what it takes to become purified in Me.  purification is a process and it's a process that all of My people have to go through and it is too tough for most."

"For the sins of mankind has escalated so badly, so pointedly that there are very few who cling to My laws, who work hard to keep themselves untarnished and free of corruption. Only by My Spirit can this be done."  End of Message Excerpts.

Judgement is coming...Psalms 1:5-6 Therefore, the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6-For the Lord knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near unto you. Cleans your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.

However, the good news is...Blessings and joy is also coming to those who walk in closeness with Yahshua (Jesus). Here is a message from the Lord ....

Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts: On September 9, 2012.
(Blessings)"Those who follow My commands, who obey My statutes and commandments, I have promised to protect and restore all that is theirs." "For I have intended for My Body (body of Yahshua) be adorned and dressed and uplifted. You are no longer outcasts, but are Mine!" says the Lord.

"There are those who continue to seek after the pleasures on the earth that are taking them away from life and abundance. Keep your eyes from evil and keep your heart steadfast in Me."

"There will be times when you cannot help and your prayers will be of no avail because I am visiting the earth in judgment and in blessings. There will be pockets throughout the earth that will receive judgment, some will receive blessings. For some there will be encouragement and comfort, for others there will be warning and great woe."

"Be sober minded, no sorrow, but sober minded knowing that what I have given you is a responsibility to righteousness, a responsibility to seek my face to warn others of things to come."

"Restoration is coming. Open your mind and your heart to Me and keep your eyes focused on Me and My Kingdom. I am always with you (My people). So let your hearts rejoice and be steadfast even in the midst of turmoil."  End of Message Excerpt.

Those who seek the Lord with great diligence and cling to His word, who open their hearts to Him and focus their eyes on Him, who turn from sin and obey His laws, will make it through the toughest of times.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. 

Let these words of encouragement bless you. 

Prophetess Rachel Baht Binahyah
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Monday, December 9, 2013

Be Watchful...

Prophetic Message from Yahshua (Jesus) on October 8, 2012: Thus Says the Lord of Host...

"My children lift up your hearts towards Me and I will give you rest. For in the days ahead there will be great turmoil among the nations of the earth and many will want to know more of the peace that I have.  My children it is important that you gather together more frequently for in these winter months there is much to be watchful for.--for the enemy would love to remove My people as judgment passes through their cities and untimely things happen , people will become confused and heavy laden. But, you will use the keys that I've instructed you to use and you will be using them on behalf of My people."  

"All over the world there are events causing great rupture for heads of nations they are scrambling to bring order out of chaos and yet in some cities there is some semblance of peace.  Do not be fooled, for this is NOT a time of peace. Many people will be lulled to sleep but you (My people) must be on guard and alert for there are times where there's need for fasting. My children, there is great suffering and the tendency will be to sorrow and to worry. But, I want you to rejoice and speedily prepare for the lifting up (of My people) that I have promised."

"Keep your focus, My children. As I gather my saints together in the time to come, there will be much joy for the bride must make herself ready.  What does ready mean? Look in My word for just as the physical bride prepares for her new husband so too will My people prepare for My coming.  The mind must be changed. It must be structured on righteousness. There must (be) elimination of doubt and worry and negative thinking and thoughts of, "this is impossible!", or, "you can't possibly do that!" My children doubt is the sure destruction of faith. It is the opposite and many of My people throughout the earth have settled for less than nothing. For they believe that I would have them be poor, needy, sick and afflicted. But, that has been necessary to cleanse and to strip--to strip of all pride and arrogance. My people have been filled with these traits, but, this will not be the condition of My bride. For when I turn and look over the nations there will be pockets of My people that are adorning themselves, that are looking to Me to refine them. And so, My children, your refinement is at hand and now are training for greatness. There will be nothing that you (My people) cannot do in Me. For the old garments are being stripped away and removed and that is what I would have you do in the physical realm. Take off your old garments and put on new garments; For as I have covered you all of these years and all of these years you have been trained, you are ready to put on new garments. My children, I will provide for I am your provider. But, just as you cannot put new wine in old wine skins so too the character and the perfection of My bride is completed through her adornment and elevation. My angels and heavenly hosts keep a careful watch over all of My people."

"Many have forsaken Me and have gone their own way and when it (destruction) hits they will cry out but it may be too late for them.
I search the hearts and to everyone there is warning. Some do not heed warnings."  End of Message Segment.

Personal Note: I pray that this is a message of encouragement for those who have long awaited the time when the Lord will manifest His glory upon His people for the whole world to see. It's not all doomsday and gloom. Only those, who cling to this system and ignore the warnings, will be taken by surprise. 

"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near". (Isaiah 55:6)

Rachel Baht Binahyah
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Be Ready For Change..." Part 2

Prophetic Message from Yahshua Messiah (Jesus the Christ) on October 20, 2012 (last year) excerpts from a  full message.

Thus says the Lord of Host:

"My children, there are many nations right now who are deciding the fate of those who they believe are bringing their nations down.  They are looking for ways to fortify their armies to control their people to rise up and become ruling nations and the shift from one nation of power to another has begun. As you all well know this country will be almost last.  I say almost for there are nations that will even be below.  It is a sobering thing my children when a nation who has once had all the glory all the wealth all the power that I gave to them. As each year, each century that they did not publicly acknowledge Me for the wealth that I gave to them has enabled the enemy to create strongholds.  So they did not do right with those who were taken from other countries and who made slaves and beasts of labor out of many of my people they did not follow My scriptures and the pattern sent from heaven.  My children, they knew what to do but they turned their heart, they got greedy, they wanted more and began to steal and rob and divide and conquer but not in My name, in the name of greed, in the name of power and materialistic pursuit."
                               "Be Ready For Change..."

"No longer will this take place! No longer will they have power over nations, no longer will they be able to set aside their armies and send them forth to destroy and plunder and do wickedness to those who do not have.  This is not the pattern of righteousness.  Some leaders have tried to turn this nation around and they paid the price with their lives. Many people have suffered, have died, I will no longer tolerate the sinister, evil and wicked powers that rule the earth!There will be great war as you read in my word. War, I am not the author of war.  My children, I would want that all turn from their ways and repent.  But just as there was a son of perdition who went to those who were evil and plotted against My life--just as that happened so too has it happened all over the earth.  The evil one hates righteousness, hates  beauty, hates{My}glory, hates love, and kindness--but his time, My children, is coming to an end.  And as a result of this, all evil power will be released upon the earth, in hopes that there will be nothing left for Me to gather. Because of the King of Kings, who has given Me authority over all things, there will not be any chance left for evil to remain."

"There will be starvation in this country, there will be wars, internal wars and world wars will affect this country. As you have seen in all the predictions of people and their sayings the wars will tear this country apart. "One Nation under God" they said, and so it could have been, but no longer is it." End of Message segment.

"Be Ready For Change..."
Prophetic Message from Yahshua Messiah on October 27, 2012.
Thus says the Lord of Host:

"My children, I sigh and My heart is heavy for all that I see and all that has to take place before My return and I'm continuing to carry out My Father's purpose even now."

"For the evil that has been planted in this earth has changed it's properties, has changed the balance, has caused the earth in some places to be extremely toxic to human life.  There are places on this earth that were created to be an oasis, the epitome of beauty--it has been vacated and uninhabitable, and so too shall other places upon this earth be uninhabitable.  There is shifting going on, cities are no more, people are migrating to some of the worst places on the earth because what they have is no more." 

"The sins of mankind throughout the centuries have taken its toll upon the earth.  What people don't understand is that the earth in the physical sense responds and takes on the nature of the spiritual condition of the people, and when you have idol worship, you have orgies, you have demonic feasts, you have human sacrifices--you have all kinds of filthiness, in time the earth changes. The solidness of the foundation is shaken, the nutrients and the life of the plants and the trees change.  No longer do the animals receive nourishment from the earth and the cycle worsens because then man eats and what he eats is likened unto dung.  So when the earth becomes putrefied and My creation eats from it, it deteriorates the body.  And some know this that is why they rush to create chemicals to replace that which is toxic with that which is fake.  My children, all over the world there are pockets of this shame.  And that is why in this country the death toll increases with sickness, mental illness, heart failure, cancer all of these things. Man's inventions try to cover for the sins that man has done against me, in turn killing their own bodies."

"Just as scientists have discovered that whatever comes out of a person's mouth, what is in their heart that they speak forth goes to the plant.  It is a known fact that if you are angry and you speak to a plant when you are angry the plant withers--So too human life withers when there is anger and bitterness present.  So if a plant is affected and human life is affected just from an angry retort, how much more so the earth, the grass, the soil, the trees are affected by perversion, hatred, murder and wickedness.  All that I see creates heaviness in My heart, this is the effect of sin. Remember these things and teach My people. That is why rejoicing gives life, it gives healing, not just for the people but for the earth, and for the atmosphere."

"My children, I say these things in this manner so that all who are present will understand  that My Spirit and My love heals and it gives life to those who are dying and that is why you must give of yourself to others. That they may understand who I am and that I give life, that I give joy, that I provide for all of your needs."
                                                  End of Message Segment.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that those reading this message will do what is necessary to prepare for what is coming by drawing closer to you and seeking your face daily. Cover all of us with the precious blood of Yahshua and your protection. Open the eyes of those who are reading this that they may see through the fake calm that is causing complacency among your people. Stir them up, Lord, that they will be on fire for your truth and ready to stand up for righteousness. May the Lord Bless you and continue to provide for you. In Yahshua's (Jesus') Name, So Be It.  Amen.                            

To understand your need for salvation click here for teaching on this subject at the Messianic House of Prayer website:

Rachel Baht Binayah
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Be Ready For Change..." Part 1

The following messages are not in date order but according to relevance of this topic: "Be Ready for Change..."

Message from YAHWEH through the Holy Spirit on December 25, 2012. Thus says the Lord of Host...

"The wisdom of man is increasing as more and more knowledge is available and more and more discoveries are opening up.  I have allowed mankind throughout the years to find artifacts, history to expose the truth so that science begins to bear witness to my sovereignty and my power and all that I've created on the earth.  Wisdom and knowledge is increasing more than ever before and so is human knowledge and reasoning. When I say wisdom I am not referring to My wisdom."

"But my thrust my children, is that my anointed ones increase in the knowledge and wisdom of My Kingdom. That this wisdom supersedes the wisdom of man.  I've created man to be intelligent able to do great things, wondrous things on the earth."

"So much of what is being done on the earth has been manipulated and created to become traps, in some cases, and in other cases exposing the mind to darkness mixed with light.  There is the wisdom of evil, of strategic manipulation, power, dominance, prestige and control.  It is being done very well, for most of the mind of man has been turned into bowing to other powers, going the way that is 'easy'.  The flow of control covers the earth."

"Those few who rise up and who don't want to be dominated have often turned away from the wisdom of man seeing a better way."

"My children, history shows wars and uprisings but all of this is for the control of man. I am teaching you the structure of a new government, of My way, causing man to grow, develop and thrive---to reach their ultimate potential, which can never happen in a government of control and manipulation."

"But tonight, I do not want {my people} to focus on those things. As you study My word, as you pray, and you meditate on the solutions that I give, you will begin to move in a different way--. It is your job, My children, to remain focused on the solutions which are brought about through the knowledge of My Kingdom and how it works and how Heaven works and all that takes place in the realm of My Spirit. Be ready for change as My Spirit moves you, you will move."  End of Message segment.

Message from YAHWEH through the Holy Spirit on November 23, 2012 (last year).  Thus says the Lord of Host...

"There has never been a time more needed than now to come  together..." "So many have forsaken this. Even in the churches, in the precincts where many do come every week for a word. The word is often tainted and not filled with my holiness; it is not going forth washing and cleansing my people.  Instead some are looking at the world, comparing themselves with the world and feeling the they're all right."  

"There has never been a time when it's more urgent for My people to put aside their parties, their dinners and all their gatherings and set aside a day of prayer, a day of fasting that they may hear my voice and heed my warnings. Not many churches are doing that; and as a result there are no voices crying out for My deliverance {in these cities}and therefore the cities are being ravished and destroyed. It is time for others to see the fruits of the seeds that My righteous ones have sown---the results of years of sacrifice and cleansing.  The time is at hand for the difference--the difference between those who have walked in their own wisdom and those who seek after Me walking in My laws and in My wisdom. For the difference is life and death!"

"Seeds of sorrow have been sown in every nation, but there are a few sprinkled about who have sown seeds of righteousness and that is what saves many. Live for Me as I live in you."
                                                            End of Message segment.

This is the end of part one. If this is your first time reading this blog, go to the earlier post that explains why I am writing this blog. Part two will be posted soon. Check back in a day or so.

Prayer: Our Father who is in Heaven HOLY is Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our sins as we for give those who sin against us. Let us not be led into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the Kingdom , and the Power, and the Glory forever and ever...

Father, please bless the reading of this blog that those who are thirsty for you may seek after you as the thirsty hart in the desert seeking water.And drink of Your Living Waters. Pour out your bread of life that we may live! Your word says...Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep Your testimonies, and that seek You with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity: they walk in Your ways. Open the eyes of the blind, Lord and the deaf ears, let them hear your words and live. Keep us under your shadow of protection, for you are our refuge and our fortress, our God, in you will we trust.  In Yahshua's (Jesus') name. So be it. Amen.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Be Ready for A Great Move of God In Your Cities!

A Message from YAHWEH through the Holy Spirit On December 21, 2012...

This message, almost a year ago, is appropriate to share at this time. I will not share it in its entirety as some of it is for our group specifically. Hear the word of the Lord...

"My children, these are times of great sorrow for many people. The days of this season are filled with darkness and though there are some who are trying and striving to find happiness, they are empty. But still, life goes on and no matter what takes place on the earth life goes on for many people. They have not resolved to change anything, for once the course of this world is set and the masses follow, very few stop to think why life is changing. Some don't even notice the changes in the earth."

"But, My people are alert and awakened and My anointing is increasing. There is much activity in the spirit world. For more of My people are crying out and wanting more of Me. I'm talking about the few, the few who have remained steadfast and {are} following instructions that I've laid out for their lives. And though some are turning more towards Me there are others who have dropped the ball because the way is seemingly too tough. But those who have put their trust and faith in Me are thriving and are laying foundations for the new wave of My glory." 

"These are times of restitution for some, but, because of the trials and heavy burdens of life some realize that they are not walking with Me. The pockets of those scattered abroad who are attuned to Me--it is My desire that they increase, that My joy spread throughout the earth, that more will hear wind of the coming of My Kingdom and will cling to Me as never before. Continue walking and talking with Me daily and let your worries be no more, for I have ordained that each day you are closer and closer to the goal." 

"Revival is coming into your cities; the outpouring  of My Spirit is rapidly overtaking ministries, that is, those ministries that are carrying out My work. In the coming months there will be much shifting in the religious world.  Ministries will be shifting and people will be confused, for I have ordained that those who are not following My instructions shall be given over to confusion. But, I am protecting the 'little ones'. Little meaning those who are young in the truth, who are eager and zealous to do the right thing but are being deceived and the leaders are not letting their light shine in me.
Little by little, more and more confusion--and a losing of the picture of righteousness. There is much compromise particularly in the area of ministry. Many feel that they do not have to work hard to stay faithful. They've allowed the pleasures of this world to cause them to be distracted."

"Yet, on the other hand, there is a spreading of the understanding of My Feast Days.  Some few who have never kept the Sabbath are now turning, wanting to know more. These seeds of the{knowledge of the} Sabbath and My Holy Days are being planted in congregations. Some by visiting ministers whom I have sent forth with the commission to talk about MY plan and how the Feasts represent My plan, but as they move from church to church, the ministers are not following through. They are not understanding the importance of this knowledge." End. Thus Saith the Lord.

Personal note: May these words bring encouragement to all who are waiting for the manifestation of YAHWEH's promises. May those that are not following what the Lord has given them to do, repent quickly, renew their minds in the Word of God and walk in obedience. Amen 

To learn more about your need for salvation go to the Messianich House of Prayer website, click on the link below:

Rachel Baht Binahyah,
Messianic House of Prayer,
Feed My Sheep Ministries

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why am I blogging...Introduction

These are very uncertain times that we are living in. These past three years have been very sobering as the Lord has begun to open my eyes to some frightening and earth shaking events that are even now taking place on the earth. We must awaken! 

There are not enough websites, blogs, articles, YouTube videos or YourTube warnings and exposure of 'truth' for the people of our planet to read! More of this type of news needs to flood main stream media.  

I have learned so much by following YAHWEH's instructions to watch events and search out what is hidden. The Lord said He would open our eyes to what is going on around us and that He would expose the evil and wicked things that are being planned for the people of the earth! The darkness is very great, but, it will never be greater than the Light!!!

The purpose of this blog is to share some of the messages that I have received from the Lord through the Holy Spirit that directly relate to how to prepare ourselves for what is coming.

This blog is NOT for the purpose of bashing anyone, discussing politics, human rights, racism, or religious philosophies. I am inspired to share only what I have been given to share. Anyone can read it. It is my prayer that whoever reads what is written here can find truth in it and encouragement to pursue the Lord with more fervor than ever before. Your life depends on how close you are to God, how committed you are to uncovering 'truth', opening your eyes to it, and bringing before the throne of God in prayer so that you can know what His plan of action is for your lives.

We as the people on the earth, the living beings, created in the image of God, in His likeness with body soul and spirit and a divine calling, must actively pursue YAHWEH and Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) with our whole heart. Unless we are firmly grounded in the faith we can be shaken and falter and doubt all that we've been taught and bow under the pressure of evil powers! 

Prayer:  Our Father Who is in heaven HOLY is Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...

Lord, I submit this blog to You for Your purpose. You have called us as watchmen to share what you have given to all those who will listen. I ask you to open the eyes of anyone who reads this blog to see your truth, to heed your warnings and cling to you for protection, joy and peace in a time of great trouble. I humbly bow my will to yours to be your mouth piece during these  times of instability. Let all who read these words with an open heart be blessed and covered by the precious blood of Yahshua (Jesus) for protection and peace. Let your Kingdom Age come quickly as you bless your people, who call upon your name, that we all may stand in your glory as you cover this earth with your power. Let us fear no evil, for You are with us and Your rod and Your staff they comfort us. Thank you Father. Bring those who do not know you, back to you. Show them how much you love them and give them a burning desire to know you that they may submit their lives to you, believe on Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)  and be saved! Thank You Father, In Yahshua's precious Name, So let it be done according to your will, Amen.

Rachel Bat Binahyah, 

Feed My Sheep Ministries
Messianic House of Prayer