Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Be Ready For Change..." Part 1

The following messages are not in date order but according to relevance of this topic: "Be Ready for Change..."

Message from YAHWEH through the Holy Spirit on December 25, 2012. Thus says the Lord of Host...

"The wisdom of man is increasing as more and more knowledge is available and more and more discoveries are opening up.  I have allowed mankind throughout the years to find artifacts, history to expose the truth so that science begins to bear witness to my sovereignty and my power and all that I've created on the earth.  Wisdom and knowledge is increasing more than ever before and so is human knowledge and reasoning. When I say wisdom I am not referring to My wisdom."

"But my thrust my children, is that my anointed ones increase in the knowledge and wisdom of My Kingdom. That this wisdom supersedes the wisdom of man.  I've created man to be intelligent able to do great things, wondrous things on the earth."

"So much of what is being done on the earth has been manipulated and created to become traps, in some cases, and in other cases exposing the mind to darkness mixed with light.  There is the wisdom of evil, of strategic manipulation, power, dominance, prestige and control.  It is being done very well, for most of the mind of man has been turned into bowing to other powers, going the way that is 'easy'.  The flow of control covers the earth."

"Those few who rise up and who don't want to be dominated have often turned away from the wisdom of man seeing a better way."

"My children, history shows wars and uprisings but all of this is for the control of man. I am teaching you the structure of a new government, of My way, causing man to grow, develop and thrive---to reach their ultimate potential, which can never happen in a government of control and manipulation."

"But tonight, I do not want {my people} to focus on those things. As you study My word, as you pray, and you meditate on the solutions that I give, you will begin to move in a different way--. It is your job, My children, to remain focused on the solutions which are brought about through the knowledge of My Kingdom and how it works and how Heaven works and all that takes place in the realm of My Spirit. Be ready for change as My Spirit moves you, you will move."  End of Message segment.

Message from YAHWEH through the Holy Spirit on November 23, 2012 (last year).  Thus says the Lord of Host...

"There has never been a time more needed than now to come  together..." "So many have forsaken this. Even in the churches, in the precincts where many do come every week for a word. The word is often tainted and not filled with my holiness; it is not going forth washing and cleansing my people.  Instead some are looking at the world, comparing themselves with the world and feeling the they're all right."  

"There has never been a time when it's more urgent for My people to put aside their parties, their dinners and all their gatherings and set aside a day of prayer, a day of fasting that they may hear my voice and heed my warnings. Not many churches are doing that; and as a result there are no voices crying out for My deliverance {in these cities}and therefore the cities are being ravished and destroyed. It is time for others to see the fruits of the seeds that My righteous ones have sown---the results of years of sacrifice and cleansing.  The time is at hand for the difference--the difference between those who have walked in their own wisdom and those who seek after Me walking in My laws and in My wisdom. For the difference is life and death!"

"Seeds of sorrow have been sown in every nation, but there are a few sprinkled about who have sown seeds of righteousness and that is what saves many. Live for Me as I live in you."
                                                            End of Message segment.

This is the end of part one. If this is your first time reading this blog, go to the earlier post that explains why I am writing this blog. Part two will be posted soon. Check back in a day or so.

Prayer: Our Father who is in Heaven HOLY is Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our sins as we for give those who sin against us. Let us not be led into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the Kingdom , and the Power, and the Glory forever and ever...

Father, please bless the reading of this blog that those who are thirsty for you may seek after you as the thirsty hart in the desert seeking water.And drink of Your Living Waters. Pour out your bread of life that we may live! Your word says...Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep Your testimonies, and that seek You with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity: they walk in Your ways. Open the eyes of the blind, Lord and the deaf ears, let them hear your words and live. Keep us under your shadow of protection, for you are our refuge and our fortress, our God, in you will we trust.  In Yahshua's (Jesus') name. So be it. Amen.

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