Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why am I blogging...Introduction

These are very uncertain times that we are living in. These past three years have been very sobering as the Lord has begun to open my eyes to some frightening and earth shaking events that are even now taking place on the earth. We must awaken! 

There are not enough websites, blogs, articles, YouTube videos or YourTube warnings and exposure of 'truth' for the people of our planet to read! More of this type of news needs to flood main stream media.  

I have learned so much by following YAHWEH's instructions to watch events and search out what is hidden. The Lord said He would open our eyes to what is going on around us and that He would expose the evil and wicked things that are being planned for the people of the earth! The darkness is very great, but, it will never be greater than the Light!!!

The purpose of this blog is to share some of the messages that I have received from the Lord through the Holy Spirit that directly relate to how to prepare ourselves for what is coming.

This blog is NOT for the purpose of bashing anyone, discussing politics, human rights, racism, or religious philosophies. I am inspired to share only what I have been given to share. Anyone can read it. It is my prayer that whoever reads what is written here can find truth in it and encouragement to pursue the Lord with more fervor than ever before. Your life depends on how close you are to God, how committed you are to uncovering 'truth', opening your eyes to it, and bringing before the throne of God in prayer so that you can know what His plan of action is for your lives.

We as the people on the earth, the living beings, created in the image of God, in His likeness with body soul and spirit and a divine calling, must actively pursue YAHWEH and Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) with our whole heart. Unless we are firmly grounded in the faith we can be shaken and falter and doubt all that we've been taught and bow under the pressure of evil powers! 

Prayer:  Our Father Who is in heaven HOLY is Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...

Lord, I submit this blog to You for Your purpose. You have called us as watchmen to share what you have given to all those who will listen. I ask you to open the eyes of anyone who reads this blog to see your truth, to heed your warnings and cling to you for protection, joy and peace in a time of great trouble. I humbly bow my will to yours to be your mouth piece during these  times of instability. Let all who read these words with an open heart be blessed and covered by the precious blood of Yahshua (Jesus) for protection and peace. Let your Kingdom Age come quickly as you bless your people, who call upon your name, that we all may stand in your glory as you cover this earth with your power. Let us fear no evil, for You are with us and Your rod and Your staff they comfort us. Thank you Father. Bring those who do not know you, back to you. Show them how much you love them and give them a burning desire to know you that they may submit their lives to you, believe on Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)  and be saved! Thank You Father, In Yahshua's precious Name, So let it be done according to your will, Amen.

Rachel Bat Binahyah, 

Feed My Sheep Ministries
Messianic House of Prayer

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