Saturday, December 14, 2013

God always warns before he acts.....Don't ignore the warnings!

I pray that what I share will help anyone who reads it.  The Lord has said to share, as his watchmen, what he has spoken to us through his Prophetess.   After we finished in praise and worship on June 22, 2013,

Thus Saith the Lord of Host:
"My children my heart is overcome with sorrow, with anger and at the same time with great joy, because my Kingdom is the only solution and it will be so obvious. But those who are evil continually will not even see it. My heart is that some who are involved in all of these different things, who are suffering, who don't want to be a part of it, who want out and can't, my heart is that they shall be set free, even if their life depends upon it, even if they have to give their lives that they not be a part of this, this is not of me my children, it is not my desire that the people of the earth become slaves, that they become overwhelmed with terrible burdens and it's been going on too long, and yet few will listen, few will open their hearts to me.  So your commission is very important my children, again you would never be able to carry the load I carry, I'm not asking you to mourn and wail and weep every day, but to delight in me, to be filled with joy in that I am the solution, that there is hope and that is what the world must see, there is hope, there is a solution, all is not lost. But why does man wait until the bottom falls out before they cry and weep to be rescued? and it has been like that since the beginning, warnings don't work, talking sometimes doesn't work, for people are still of their own opinion, oh! nothing's going to happen to me, oh!everything will remain the same. And as in the examples of old, there was always a warning, and the warning was always at a time when it seemed that it didn't make any sense.  And so to is it now, speaking of the things going on, 98% wouldn't believe it, in their heart they would not believe it and that is why destruction takes place. If they believed it, prayers, supplications, fasting's and uprisings, my people would be stirred to action and through that many would be saved."

As the Lord said, "as in the examples of old, there was always a warning".

Genesis 6:13(KJV) and God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.  

Genesis 6:17(KJV) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. 

Matthew 2:13(KJV) And when they departed,(the wise men) behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 

And the Lord warns us in this present age, sometimes through dreams, revelations, and prophetic messages.

I want to share a dream that my son had one night as he slept.  The dream was interpreted as a warning, a revealing of the evil vampire-ism around us, in places that were familiar to us.

The dream started out with my mom going to mail a letter, it was night time, and my mom took me and my brother to the local post office to mail a letter.  The post office was on the roof of the building so we had to take an elevator.  As we arrived at the top of the building we left the elevator, as we stepped out the elevator I saw a camp fire burning in front of the mail box with three people sitting in front of it.  I could sense that these people were satanist making a sacrifice. I was telling mom and my brother to come back, then my mom told me and my brother to run to the elevator, we ran to the elevator and pressed the button to open the elevator door, as we stepped into the elevator, as soon as the door shut one of the satanist was in with me and grabbed me, pulled out a scythe and hit me on the side of my neck at the vein and blood was coming out, then I woke up.  end of dream.

It is always important to pray and ask God to reveal to you any message or meaning of a dream that you feel is important.
I pray that God will awaken any of his people who are hearing, reading or seeing his warnings. That they take heed, draw closer to God and our Lord and Savior (Messiah) Jesus Christ. and be ready for the Kingdom age that God is bringing to the earth.

Father we pray, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Messianic House of Prayer Ministries
Feed My Sheep Ministries

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