Thursday, December 26, 2013

As Long As There Is Time, There Is Hope!............Part1

Message received from God the father and Jesus Christ the Messiah on January 7, 2013.

Thus saith God of Host....
My children blessed are you.  These are times of great duress for some of my people. Your prayers are needed to continue throughout the months because many are in need of my covering.  I bless you my children for the prayers that you are continuing to send up, for these are difficult times and times of uncertainty.  And as you pray, more and more will be helped.  All of the prayers of my righteous ones are meaningful, create movement on the earth.  So my children as you pray for my people scattered throughout the earth, more of them will be strengthened.  Pray for those who have back-slidden, who are struggling under personal difficulties, who have turned away because they feel they don't have a chance; my love goes out to them as well, for as long as there is time there is hope. end of message part 1

Deuteronomy 4:30
When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; 
Deuteronomy 4:31
(for the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he swear unto them. 
Isaiah 55:6
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.
Psalm 70:4
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, let God be magnified.
Luke 21:36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Col 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Father I pray for those of your people who have back-slidden and feel hopeless, that you will encourage them with your word, and strengthen them with your love.  

There is still time to turn to God and accept Jesus Christ the Messiah as your savior and redeemer.  Take the time daily to seek God's face in prayer and supplication. 

 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.(Proverbs 3:6) 

If you would like to understand the importance of salvation for yourself and your loved ones click here to read an article "Why Do I Need Salvation?"

Messianic House of Prayer Ministries
Feed My Sheep Ministries

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