Prophetic Message from Yahshua (Jesus) on October 8, 2012: Thus Says the Lord of Host...
"My children lift up your hearts towards Me and I will give you rest. For in the days ahead there will be great turmoil among the nations of the earth and many will want to know more of the peace that I have. My children it is important that you gather together more frequently for in these winter months there is much to be watchful for.--for the enemy would love to remove My people as judgment passes through their cities and untimely things happen , people will become confused and heavy laden. But, you will use the keys that I've instructed you to use and you will be using them on behalf of My people."
"All over the world there are events causing great rupture for heads of nations they are scrambling to bring order out of chaos and yet in some cities there is some semblance of peace. Do not be fooled, for this is NOT a time of peace. Many people will be lulled to sleep but you (My people) must be on guard and alert for there are times where there's need for fasting. My children, there is great suffering and the tendency will be to sorrow and to worry. But, I want you to rejoice and speedily prepare for the lifting up (of My people) that I have promised."
"Keep your focus, My children. As I gather my saints together in the time to come, there will be much joy for the bride must make herself ready. What does ready mean? Look in My word for just as the physical bride prepares for her new husband so too will My people prepare for My coming. The mind must be changed. It must be structured on righteousness. There must (be) elimination of doubt and worry and negative thinking and thoughts of, "this is impossible!", or, "you can't possibly do that!" My children doubt is the sure destruction of faith. It is the opposite and many of My people throughout the earth have settled for less than nothing. For they believe that I would have them be poor, needy, sick and afflicted. But, that has been necessary to cleanse and to strip--to strip of all pride and arrogance. My people have been filled with these traits, but, this will not be the condition of My bride. For when I turn and look over the nations there will be pockets of My people that are adorning themselves, that are looking to Me to refine them. And so, My children, your refinement is at hand and now are training for greatness. There will be nothing that you (My people) cannot do in Me. For the old garments are being stripped away and removed and that is what I would have you do in the physical realm. Take off your old garments and put on new garments; For as I have covered you all of these years and all of these years you have been trained, you are ready to put on new garments. My children, I will provide for I am your provider. But, just as you cannot put new wine in old wine skins so too the character and the perfection of My bride is completed through her adornment and elevation. My angels and heavenly hosts keep a careful watch over all of My people."
"Many have forsaken Me and have gone their own way and when it (destruction) hits they will cry out but it may be too late for them.
I search the hearts and to everyone there is warning. Some do not heed warnings." End of Message Segment.
Personal Note: I pray that this is a message of encouragement for those who have long awaited the time when the Lord will manifest His glory upon His people for the whole world to see. It's not all doomsday and gloom. Only those, who cling to this system and ignore the warnings, will be taken by surprise.
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near". (Isaiah 55:6)
Rachel Baht Binahyah
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries
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