Friday, December 13, 2013

Judgement and Blessings....

Here are some excerpts from messages I received from YAHWEH, our heavenly Father, spoken to us and transcribed onto paper. These words from the Lord are so relevant to now.  

Thus Saith the Lord of Host:  On October 13, 2012
(Judgement)..."The tide of the flow of My Spirit is increasing.  You will see  more activity in the churches, more disruption in the religious circles. Some will turn completely in the opposite direction, more towards the occult, thinking that it will give them more power and they will be deceived.  Some will need to be warned because if the are not warned them many people will be deceived.  I have raised up some to do that."

"These are serious times just before I visit the earth in fullness of judgment. Not because I want to see destruction but because the one that is evil is relentless , is gaining momentum, is deceiving and lashing out wanting that all should be destroyed--and I send forth my servants to warn, to plead even to the point where some of them look unbalanced, but it is because their heart is moved and they want to see more turn to righteousness."

"My people must walk with more power than ever before.  Man and his wickedness is increasing beyond measure, with nations being influenced by democratic lies and whatever names they put upon it, it's all the same--lies.  It's tearing apart nations, it's diminishing power, it's turning hearts away from Me." End of Message.  

Thus Says the Lord of Host:   October 9, 2012
"Much like those who clung to the Ark during the time of great destruction upon the one heeded warnings but when they saw what I produced through Noah, they clung, scraped the sides of the Ark...but could not be let in.  It was too late. So too are those who have not put away their gods, they have not surrendered their heart to Me, they have not turned aside from their pleasures and they will not be able to go through what it takes to become purified in Me.  purification is a process and it's a process that all of My people have to go through and it is too tough for most."

"For the sins of mankind has escalated so badly, so pointedly that there are very few who cling to My laws, who work hard to keep themselves untarnished and free of corruption. Only by My Spirit can this be done."  End of Message Excerpts.

Judgement is coming...Psalms 1:5-6 Therefore, the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6-For the Lord knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near unto you. Cleans your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.

However, the good news is...Blessings and joy is also coming to those who walk in closeness with Yahshua (Jesus). Here is a message from the Lord ....

Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts: On September 9, 2012.
(Blessings)"Those who follow My commands, who obey My statutes and commandments, I have promised to protect and restore all that is theirs." "For I have intended for My Body (body of Yahshua) be adorned and dressed and uplifted. You are no longer outcasts, but are Mine!" says the Lord.

"There are those who continue to seek after the pleasures on the earth that are taking them away from life and abundance. Keep your eyes from evil and keep your heart steadfast in Me."

"There will be times when you cannot help and your prayers will be of no avail because I am visiting the earth in judgment and in blessings. There will be pockets throughout the earth that will receive judgment, some will receive blessings. For some there will be encouragement and comfort, for others there will be warning and great woe."

"Be sober minded, no sorrow, but sober minded knowing that what I have given you is a responsibility to righteousness, a responsibility to seek my face to warn others of things to come."

"Restoration is coming. Open your mind and your heart to Me and keep your eyes focused on Me and My Kingdom. I am always with you (My people). So let your hearts rejoice and be steadfast even in the midst of turmoil."  End of Message Excerpt.

Those who seek the Lord with great diligence and cling to His word, who open their hearts to Him and focus their eyes on Him, who turn from sin and obey His laws, will make it through the toughest of times.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. 

Let these words of encouragement bless you. 

Prophetess Rachel Baht Binahyah
Messianic House of Prayer
Feed My Sheep Ministries

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